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1. All speakers/presenters are required to submit an abstract of their presentation, by the stipulated deadline.
2. The abstract must be in English.
3. It should be intended for the general statistical audience rather than to specialists in the particular topic.
4. The abstract must be filled in the designated form and submitted via the Congress website,
5. The title should be concise and clearly convey the subject of the abstract.
6. Each abstract should include a statement about the subject/issues being addressed, explain why it is important to the WSC attendees, brief information about the models and methods developed and/or used to address the issues and a description of the results and contributions that will be covered in the presentation.
7. The submission should include the following:

i. the name(s) of the author(s) (with an asterisk next to the name of the presenting author, who should also be the corresponding author);
ii. organisational affiliation;
iii. name of city and country of residence; and
iv. email address for each author.
8. The abstract of each speaker/presenter should be no more than 400 words in length (excluding items listed in No.7). It should not include any mathematical equations, references to papers or images.
9. A list of keywords (maximum of five) must be included after the text of the abstract. Words from the title should not be repeated in the list of keywords.
10. Abbreviations should be spelled out in full the first time they are used (Example: The properties of maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) are developed. The small-sample performance of the MLEs is studied through simulation.)
11. Double check for scientific accuracy as well as for clarity, proper grammar and punctuation before submitting the abstract.
12. Abstracts that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected.
13. All queries should be sent to