Page 144 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 144

STS571 Sarpono et al.
                  although the verification and its validation need to take into consideration in
                  order to prevent double counting.
                      This  paper  showed  that  combining  MPD  and  survey  data  will  provide
                  optimal  results.  Mobile positioning  data  about  roaming  activities  of cross-
                  border tourists in Indonesia at border areas was combined with mobile usage
                  survey at the borders in order to know the motivations and behavior for cross-
                  border movements (both roamers and non-roamers).  Then, the formula  of
                  additional  tourism  that  combines  MPD  and  mobile  usage  survey  were
                  proposed to obtain the best result for tourism statistics.

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