Page 145 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 145

STS571 Sarpono et al.
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            10. Seynaeve, Gerdy and Christophe Demunter. (2016). When Mobile
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                14th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics.
            11. Sniowski, Alessandro, Sorichetta, Ingmar Weber, and Andrew J. Tatem
                (2016). Inferring Migrations: Traditional Methods and New Approaches
                based on Mobile Phone, Social Media, and other Big Data. Technical
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            12. Rein Ahasa, Anto Aasaa, Antti Roosea, Ülar Markb, Siiri Silma (2008).
                Evaluating passive mobile positioning data for tourism surveys: An
                Estonian case study. Tourism Management, Vol 29, Issue 3, pp 469–486.
            13. Tiru, Margus. (2014). Overview of the Sources and Challenges of Mobile
                Positioning Data for Statistics, presented in the International Conference
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