Page 255 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 255

STS583 Mariana K. et al.

                          Implementing a geospatial data strategy in the
                                    European Statistical System
                Mariana Kotzeva*, Nikolaos Roubanis, Julien Gaffuri, Hannes I. Reuter
                                Eurostat, European Commission, Luxembourg

            The  European  Statistical  System  is  a  partnership  between  Eurostat  (the
            Statistical  authority  of  the  European  Union)  and  the  National  Statistical
            Institutes and other national authorities of the European Union Member States
            responsible for the development, production and dissemination of European
            statistics.  The  production  of  statistics  relies  on  the  Generic-Statistical-
            Business-Process-Model,  which  is  enhanced  with  a  Global  Statistical
            Geospatial Framework. This creates an information infrastructure composed
            of statistical and geospatial information, which is connected and conceptually
            integrated  to  spatially  enable  all  statistics  throughout  the  entire  statistical
            production  process.  A  detailed  (e.g.  1km  grid),  comparable  (e.g.  across
            countries)  and  efficient  data  production  process  provides  the  information
            required for analysis to contribute to the policy decision-making processes in
            the EU. To facilitate the implementation of the geospatial data strategy in the
            European  Statistical  System,  Eurostat  is  active  on  various  levels.  At  the
            European level, the “GEOSTAT” projects were launched (1km2 population grid
            for  Europe;  standardised,  point-based,  geospatial,  reference  framework  for
            statistics; European adaptation of the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework).
            At the Member State level, separate actions were initiated to align the varying
            levels of the geospatial data available in the statistical production process.
            Specific objectives were facilitated within Eurostat by, for example, providing
            the necessary legal instruments (e.g. Census 2021 grid regulation, Integrated
            Farm  Structure  Statistics,  etc.)  and  with  the  creation  of  pan-European
            geographical  datasets.  The  presentation  will  report  on  Eurostat’s  activities
            related to implementing a geospatial data strategy in the European Statistical

            UN-SDG, grid, Statistical Geospatial Framework, data, strategy

            1.  Introduction
                European  and  global  sustainable  development  programs  increasingly
            require  reliable  and  relevant  information  in  terms  of  higher  spatial  and
            temporal  resolution  and  increased  abilities  for  spatial  and  thematic
            disaggregation. The UN Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals
            (SDGs)  is  pushing  for  a  closer  integration  of  statistical  and  geospatial

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