Page 257 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 257

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
            3.  To produce new “geospatial statistics” based on geospatial data sources
                such as geographical databases, satellite images, etc. and the combination
                of  these  data  sources  together  or  with  existing  statistics.  Geographical
                information Systems (GIS) and related methodologies are key elements to
                enable the production of geospatial statistics. Such geospatial statistics
                could address the emerging needs for new products in thematic domains
                with a strong spatial component (e.g. transport, agriculture, energy and

            2.  Methodology
                Embedded  into  a  long-term  strategy  within  Eurostat  and  the  ESS  to
            integrate spatial information and statistics, in 2010 Eurostat launched a series
            of projects–at both the European and national levels.

            2.1 European Level – The GEOSTAT projects

                                                              2017 - 2019
                                                              GEOSTAT 3 - A   2020 - 2022
                                                              European version   GEOSTAT 4
                                                              of the Statistical   (planned)
                                                 2015 - 2016   Geospatial
                                                 GEOSTAT 2 - point   Framework
                                                 based geocoding   (completed)
                                                 infrastructure for
                                       2010 - 2014
                                       GEOSTAT 1 - EU
                                       population grid
                       Figure 1. Development of the GEOSTAT projects over time

                The first project in the series, as seen in Figure 1, was related to the 2011
            Census  and  aimed  to  develop  a  vision  and  methodological  foundation  at
            geocoding various population characteristics into a 1km2 grid dataset. Grid
            data availability varied across countries. Not all countries in the EU were at the
            same level. Some countries provided data on grids, while several relied on
            other methods. The pre-conditions and possibilities for disaggregating data
            led  to  specific  data  specifications.  Based  on  these  data  specifications  the
            project made use of the Statistical production chain in the NSIs to identify
            relations and enable coherence by use of GIS. In addition, common processes
            of  quality  assessment,  knowledge  dissemination,  confidentiality,  business
            models and continuous data update were addressed or identified.

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