Page 258 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 258

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
                      For all GEOSTAT projects, a common framework using the European Forum
                  for Geography and Statistics (EFGS) was used for the involvement of NSIs and
                  National  Mapping  and  Cadastral  Agencies  (NMCA);  for  the  exploitation,
                  distribution  and  dissemination  of  the  results;  and  for  the  organisation  of
                  conferences and websites (
                      The second project phase (GEOSTAT 2) concentrated on the development
                  of a  model for a  point-based geocoding infrastructure for a  more flexible,
                  sustainable production of geospatial statistics in the ESS and was based on
                  geocoded addresses, buildings, and dwelling registers. The aim was to enable
                  NSIs  to  provide  more  qualified  descriptions  and  analyses  of  the  society,
                  economy and environment. While also taking into account the EU context, the
                  project was based on national practices and stakeholders (e.g. the NMCAs)
                  and specific national challenges. GEOSTAT 2 also included an evaluation of the
                  Generic Statistical Business Process Model the (GSBPM) and contributed to the
                  work  on  the  integration  of  statistics  and  geospatial  information  in  the
                  framework of UN-GGIM.
                      The  third  project  (GEOSTAT  3)  closely  followed  on  from  the  previous
                  strategic orientation and focused on the European version of the SGF adapted
                  for the ESS, taking into account the conditions, initiatives and European and
                  national  frameworks  (e.g.  INSPIRE,  ESS).  The  objectives  of  this  third  phase
                  were, to produce recommendations on how to implement the ESS-SGF in EU
                  member  states  within  and  outside  NSIs  (outlined  in  the  implementation
                  guide),  as  well  as  testing  of  the  ESS-SGF  with  respect  to  the  UN  SDGs.  In
                  addition,  the  application  of  geospatial  statistics  and  the  integration  of
                  geospatial  information  into  the  statistical  production  process,  within  the
                  framework of the GSBPM, were strongly promoted.
                      The  next  planned  project  (GEOSTAT  4  -  2019-2021)  is  based  on  the
                  outcome  of  the  GEOSTAT  3  project.  The  principles  of  the  GSGF  and  the
                  recommendations of the Implementation Guide and earlier GEOSTAT projects
                  should be integrated into the methodological and quality framework of the
                  ESS and prepare and support the implementation in Member States. The result
                  of this integration work will be the GSGF-Europe, which should incorporate it
                  into the ESS processes and national frameworks.

                  2.2 National Level: Eurostat support on cooperation between statistics
                  and geospatial information
                      The degree of cooperation between NSIs and NMCAs varies significantly
                  in  the  EU  Member  States.  The  integration  of  geographical  and  statistical
                  information  offers  important  opportunities  to  maximise  the  use  of  data
                  collected  for  statistical  purposes,  especially  for  monitoring  purposes.  To
                  promote the integration of statistical and geospatial information at national
                  level,  with  respect  to  e.g.  cooperation  or  data  availability,  funding  was

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