Page 259 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 259

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
            provided to NSIs from 2012 to 2018 to work on country specific objectives.
            Examples of such objectives were: i) integration of geospatial and statistical
            information during the statistical production process; ii) processes required for
            continuous, (semi-) automated, regular updates of GIS under the aspect of
            unique national identifier systems; iii) create new information in the open data
            initiative  and  the  usage  of  Big  Data  streams;  iv)  investigate  spatial  and
            temporal  distribution  of  statistics;  v)  the  usage  of  Earth  observation  (e.g.
            Copernicus Sentinel products) for statistics, and SDG monitoring; or; vi) access
            to  INSPIRE  data  (e.g.  addresses,  administrative  units,  etc.)  and  services
            provided by the NMCAs.

            3.  Results
            3.1 European Level – GEOSTAT Projects

            Figure 2. Population density (inhabitants per km2) based on the population grid from 2011.
            Source: EFGS, Eurostat

                The first GEOSTAT project produced a population prototype dataset for
            2006 and 2011 as seen in Figure 2. It was based on a developed methodology
            and data specifications for European population grid datasets (e.g. projection,
            resolution,  confidentiality  rules,  etc.).  Results  included,  for  example,
            aggregation methods documentation for grid-based and hybrid approaches
            agreed within the NSIs and NMCAs, a common open data licence, a one-stop
            data distribution, disaggregation methods for people with unknown place of
            residence, testing and quality assessment and an operative case study where
            access to hospitals were evaluated based on the generated data.
                The results from the GEOSTAT 2 project promote the application of spatial
            statistics  and  the  integration  of  geospatial  information  into  the  statistical

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