Page 260 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 260

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
                  production chain, within the framework of the GSBPM and proposed a generic
                  model  for  national  (point  based)  geospatial  reference  frameworks  for
                  statistics, building on national address, buildings and/or dwelling registers.
                  The project identified a number of key tasks with varying importance within in
                  each NSI such as: i) user requirements; ii) promoting geospatial statistics and
                  the  potential  of  geospatial  information;  iii)  recognising  geospatial  data
                  sources;  iv)  assessing  data  processing  capacity;  v)  specifying  geospatial
                  statistics  output;  vi)  creating  a  flexible  production  setup;  vii)  building  the
                  geocoded  survey  frame;  viii)  obtaining  and  managing  geospatial  data;  ix)
                  conducting  geospatial  data  quality  assessment;  x)  assessing  identifiers  to
                  enable  correct  data  linkage;  xi)  geocoding  data;  xii)  preparing  geospatial
                  statistics  products;  and  xiii)  assessing  data  dissemination  constraints.  In
                  essence, the project delivered a concept plus an NSI directed implementation
                  guideline  on  how  to  set  up  a  point-based,  geocoding  infrastructure  for
                  statistical  production.  Additionally,  the  outcomes  were  used  to  derive
                  proposals for the revision of the GSBPM.
                      For the GEOSTAT 3 project, the focus moved further towards adaptation
                  of the GSGF to the European specificities. The project developed and tested
                  an  implementation  guide  for  a  European  version  of  the  GSGF.  The
                  implementation  guide  covered  the  key  aspects  of  statistical-geospatial
                  integration as set out in the GSGF and its five principles. The focus was on
                  comparability of statistical outputs, harmonisation of geospatial data sources
                  and  methodologies,  and  on  interoperability  of  various  data  sources  and
                  metadata. The work was performed in close cooperation with national experts
                  from NSIs and geospatial agencies and with UN-GGIM: Europe through its two
                  working  groups  (Core  Data  and  Data  Integration).  In  order  to  assess  the
                  soundness  of  the  requirements  and  recommendations  proposed  in  the
                  implementation guide, the project has undertaken a series of practical and
                  technical  tests.  Thereby  it  delivered,  for  example,  good  practice  cases,
                  feasibility  studies  on  linking  SDMX  and  INSPIRE/OGC  (Open  Geospatial
                  Consortium) web services as well as testing a selection of SDG indicators.

                  3.2 European Level – Supporting policy making at European level
                      Member states produce and maintain national geographical databases,
                  describing  with  a  high  level  of  detail  the  geography  of  their  territory:
                  constructions, transport     infrastructures,   hydrography,   topography,
                  vegetation  cover,  addresses,  administrative  units,  public  services,  energy
                  production facilities, etc. The NMCAs are mandated to produce, maintain and
                  update these databases and various services based on them. These databases
                  have become a reference authoritative information source at national level for
                  many activities having a strong relationship with the geographical location.
                  They are extensively used to support various activities in land management

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