Page 261 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 261

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
            and civil engineering for example, but also to support national policies with
            spatial analyses. A key element of the ESS geospatial data strategy is also to
            support European policies with increased availability and utilisation of these
            geographical datasets at the European level.

            Figure 3. Example of a railway network generated from National Data sources
            by Eurostat

                The  high-level  challenge  to  address  is  how  to  combine  the  mosaic  of
            existing  national  geographical  databases  of  NMCAs  into  pan-European
            geographical databases (see Figure 3). Unfortunately, this combination is not
            as simple as creating a union of the existing national databases: Instead, it
            requires  harmonisation  methodologies  for  data  structures  and  content,
            specific to geospatial data, to ensure comparability and connectivity across
            the  different  borders.  Several  projects  and  initiatives  have  contributed  to
            address  this  combination  (European  Spatial  Data  Infrastructure  Network,
            EuroRegionalMap , INSPIRE) and should be completed with actions resulting
            in  a  sustainable  availability  of  high  quality,  pan-European,  geographical
            datasets easily usable for pan-European, spatial analyses. The next step toward
            this objective is to strengthen the collaboration between Eurostat, NSIs and
            the NMCAs on geographical data sharing, and to increase Eurostat’s capacity
            to  collect,  harmonise  and  combine  NMCA  national  databases  into  pan-

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