Page 262 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 262

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
                  European,  geographical  datasets  following,  for  example,  the  UN-GGIM:
                  Europe core data recommendations .
                      The main benefit for Eurostat is to increase its capacity to produce and
                  update  comparable  geospatial  statistics  across  Europe.  Such  geospatial
                  analytics  are  regularly  produced  by  European  Commission  policy  DGs
                  (Poelman  &  Dijkstra  2015,  Poelman  &  Ackermans  2017).  As  part  of  its
                  geospatial  strategy,  Eurostat  also  takes  a  lead  in  the  production  of  such
                  geospatial statistics and include them in its regular data catalogue.

                  3.3 Merging statistics and geospatial information at national level

                  Figure 4. Areas where absolute change in usually resident population is highly above or below
                  the average; (Courtesy of Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia

                      At the country level, about 50 projects provided manifold results on how
                  Member  States  aligned  their  differences  with  respect  to  improving  their
                  integration of geospatial and statistical information (to check on all the results
                  of  these  grants  please  look  to  the  link  provided).  A  selection  of  the  most
                  important  results  is  listed  below:  implementation  of  common  registers,
                  updating  the  production  systems  to  include  geospatial  information  (e.g.
                  health, income, tourist, business) at various spatial levels (e.g. grid, statistical
                  units),  developing  software  solutions  for  dissemination,  analysing  and
                  developing  country  specific  implementation  guidelines,  experimenting  and
                  implementing  linked  open  data  approaches,  analytical  tasks  such  as  OCR
                  scanning and geocoding old census reports to analyse geospatial movements
                  in  a  country  in  support  to  SDGs  (see  Figure  4)  or  commuting  patterns.  A
                  forthcoming publication by Eurostat aims to document the main results of
                  these grants.

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