Page 263 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 263

STS583 Mariana K. et al.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The  paper  has  shown  how  the  implementation  of  a  geospatial  data
            strategy in the ESS was started, with the aim to improve the geographical
            granularity  of  statistical  products,  in  support  of  evidence-based,  policy
            decision-making.  At  different  levels  (e.g.  European,  National),  a  variety  of
            actions were performed - from practical implementation over methodological
            development,  up  to  strategic  decisions.  Their  alignment  to  international
            developments was a key component. The success achieved is based on an
            intensive collaboration between the various actors from the NSIs, NMCAs, the
            EFGS and UNGGIM: Europe, etc. The development of the GSGF for Europe is
            one  of  the  key  outcomes  and  will  be  accompanied  by  Eurostat’s  internal

            5.  Attribution
                This paper is based on contributions from the EFGS, different GEOSTAT
            projects  and  the  merging  statistics  and  geographical  information  grants,
            which are all highly valued.

            1.  GSGF Europe - Implementation guide for the Global Statistical Geospatial
                Framework in Europe
            2.  Openshaw, S., Taylor, J., 1979. A million or so correlation coefficients: three
                experiments on the modifiable areal unit problem. Statistical applications
                in the Spatial Sciences, 127-144.
            3.  Poelman,  H.,  Dijkstra,  L.,  2015.  Measuring  access  to  public  transport  in
                European     cities.   Regional   Working     Paper     WP     01/2015,
            4.  Poelman, H., Ackermans, L., 2017. Passenger rail accessibility in Europe’s
                border     areas.   Regional     Working      Paper    WP      11/2017,

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