Page 266 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 266

STS583 Yakob M. S.
                  to 50–100 holdings, such that one enumerator can collect the data relating to
                  a subset of EAs during the census period (Geospace, 2007). Based on projects
                  carried out in Lesotho, Namibia, the Seychelles and the United Republic of
                  Tanzania (Loots, 2015), the significant savings that may be achieved in terms
                  of  time  and  fieldwork,  largely  repay  the  costs  of  adopting  the  required
                  technology (i.e. imagery, GIS, expert consultancies and training). The general
                  quality  of  undertaking  the  census  also  improves,  due  to  better  planning,
                  transparency and traceability of the work. In addition, all of the infrastructure
                  created  can  easily  be  reused  in  subsequent  efforts,  which  is  of  particular
                  interest and benefit if a Master Sampling Frame (MSF) approach is adopted
                  (Global Strategy, 2015b).

                      One of the recommendations to improve sampling errors is stratification.
                  This is a process of defining several adequate strata that are, internally, as
                  homogeneous  as  possible,  while  being  as  different  as  possible  from  one
                  another.  Regardless  of  the  master  frame  selected  (list,  area,  point  or
                  multiframe), imagery is of utmost assistance to achieve the intended goals of
                  maintaining homogeneity within the strata by providing up-to-date detailed
                  information that is suitable for modern digital treatment. Additionally, even a
                  rough  image  classification  would  enable  obtaining  a  proxy  for  cropping
                  intensity that can be used to optimize the sizes of the sampling unit (based on
                  spatial  correlation)  and  variable  sampling  fractions  (based  on  the  relation
                  between  sampling  variance  and  agricultural  intensity;  see  Benedetti  et  al.,
                      For  instance,  an  automated  approach  based  on  PSU  delineation  and
                  stratification  by  automatic  classification  of  the  previous  year’s  Crop  Data
                  Layers (CDLs), recently implemented by National Agriculture Statistical Service
                  of  the  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture  (USDA/NASS)  reduced  the
                  total man-months’ work per state from 30 to 12, thereby decreasing the cost
                  by a factor of 2.5. This work includes activities related to implementing the

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