Page 267 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 267

STS583 Yakob M. S.
            Area Sampling Frame consisting of dividing the territory in PSUs with physical
            boundaries through visual interpretation of satellite imagery, stratification of
            PSUs into agricultural classes intensity by photointerpretation and subdividing
            the sampled PSUs in to segments.
                Another  example  of  comparison  can  be  drawn  from  the  area  frame
            employed by China’s National Bureau of Statistics in ten provinces (covering 1
            652 083 km2). It used a stratified two-stage sampling design with PPS selection
            in the first stage (the size of each PSU ranging between 1 km2 and 5 km2) and
            random selection in the second stage (each SSU having a size between 2 ha
            and 5 ha, with a total sampling fraction in the order of 0.2 percent). For Anhui
            province (139 400 km2), a sample size of 6 000 segments leads to a CV of 1.3
            percent for wheat (2 200 000 ha), of 0.9 percent for middle rice (1 900 000 ha)
            and of 3 percent for corn (1 000 000 ha). The good level of precision obtained
            results  from  the  stratification  and  from  the  PPS  sampling,  based  on  the
            classification of GF1 and ZY3 Chinese satellite imagery (with a resolution of 2
            m). The associated costs amount to US$75 000 per province, and therefore
            approximately US$0.5/km2.

            3.2 Improved estimators
                At  estimation  level,  merging  data  from  the  ground  survey  and  from
            satellites  is  usually  achieved  through  regression  or  calibration  estimators
            (Global Strategy, 2015a). Gallego et al. (2014) present detailed results for a
            region  (78  500  km2)  in  northern  Ukraine,  containing  2.45  million  ha  of
            cropland. Ninety, 4 km x 4 km, square segments were field-surveyed in 2010
            (with a sampling fraction of 1.8 percent and a field size up to 250 ha). Later,
            the  entire  region  was  covered  with  MODIS,  Landsat5,  AWiFS,  LISSIII  and
            Rapideye imagery. Image classification was trained on data collected along
            the  road,  independently  of  the  area  frame  segments.  For  the  major  crops
            (wheat,  barley,  maize  and  soybean),  the  respective  mean  efficiencies
            amounted respectively to 1.59, 1.54, 1.48, 1.50 and 1.50; therefore, the sensors’
            performance was approximately equal.
                Comparing the cost of the field survey and the cost of imagery (today, the
            cost of image classification is so low that it can be set aside), the situation
            changes drastically, because only the two free-of-charge sensors (MODIS and
            Landsat TM) remain cost-effective, as the purchase price of the other three
            sensors make them inefficient (AWiFS, LISIIIand Rapideye).
                A general context to the study include: First, field size in Ukraine tends to
            be  large,  allowing  for  coarse  resolution  sensors  to  compare  with  finer-
            resolution ones in terms of classification accuracy. This would not hold in most
            African or Asian countries, where fields tend to be rather small. Second, the
            study relied only on the Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) method -
            today,  the  USDA  relies  on  the  decision-tree  classification  method  (See5).
            Finally, the availability of freely accessible imagery is increasing. MODIS (250 -

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