Page 269 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 269

STS583 Yakob M. S.
            the costs relating to the offices, salaries (of 31 staff members), field surveys (10
            percent of the total budget), imagery (20 percent of total budget), hardware
            (19 workstations) and software (ERDAS, ARCGIS, GEOMATICA STAT licenses).
            Another  example  is  CROPWATCH  of  China’s  RADI.  Its  annual  budget  for
            regional  crop  monitoring  in  China  and  in  the  major  production  zones
            worldwide (covering 31 countries and representing 80 percent of the world
            production of maize, wheat, rice, and soybean), amounts to US$1.5 million.
            Manpower costs (15 persons) represent approximately 35 percent of this total
            budget; those resulting from imagery data amounts only to 20 of the budget,
            thanks to interinstitutional data sharing.

            3.4 Sensor suitability
                Several  examples  confirm  the  efficiency  of  using  remote  sensing  for
            agricultural statistics. An important factor to verify is whether the available
            satellites are adapted to the predominant sizes of agricultural fields in the
            various regions of the world.
                Agricultural  monitoring  has  various  facets  (cropland  areas,  crop  type
            acreages, or yield monitoring at regional or field levels). This enquiry will focus
            on the regional acreages of major crop categories (such as cereals), of other
            arable land, of permanent cropland and of permanent grassland.

                         Table 1. Area (million ha) per field size by category and region.

              Region               Cropland  Very small  Small      Medium      Large
              Africa                 773.0       242.6     394.1     110.4      25.9
              Middle East            107.8        9.0       70.0      26.6       2.2
              Asia                 1411.6        472.5     673.1     179.3      86.7
              Central and South      665.8       21.7      154.5     295.9      193.7
              America              1165.9        14.0      281.2     532.8      337.9
              North America          856.7        1.9       68.0     454.5      332.3
              Oceania                130.5        0.0       9.8       34.3      86.4
              World                5111.3       761.6     1650.8     1633.9    1065.0

                As shown in table 1, the vast majority of agricultural land falls into the
            small-  and  medium-parcel  size  categories.  The  very-small-parcel  category
            occupies only 15 percent of cropland at world level; Asia and Africa are less
            favoured from this point of view, as one third of the agricultural areas of both
            regions fall within the very-small-field size category.
                Based on the above, it may be deduced that MODIS and Sentinel 3 sensors
            are adapted to monitoring the acreage of 21 percent of the world’s agricultural
            land, with increased possibilities in Oceania and North America. However, they
            cannot be used in Asia and Africa. For medium-resolution satellites, such as
            Landsat 8, half of the world’s agricultural acreages can be monitored; however,

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