Page 272 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 272

STS587 Hui W. et al.

                              The accuracy and relevance of GDP measures in a
                                               digital economy
                                            Hui Wei ; Yafei Wang
                                         1  Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
                                      2   Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

                  Digital economy has raised has raised questions about the conceptual basis of
                  GDP and output, and whether current compilation methods are adequate to
                  capture  them.  To  this  end,  this  paper  discusses  essential  aspects  for  the
                  measurement: (1) key features and dynamic natures of GDP to provide a basis
                  for  further  account  for  the  missing  output  in  the  digital  economy;  (2)a
                  consistent  and  complete  concept  is  well  defined  to  satisfy  the  gap  of
                  digitalisation definition; (3) difficulties in measurement areas including quality
                  changes  ta  unprecedented  pace,  free  content  and  services,  nonmarket
                  production, new platforms connecting supply and demand, and globalization
                  and impact on national accounts. In addition, the phenomenon of productivity
                  slowdown  is  given  major  explanations:  (1)  measurement  errors:  services  in
                  particular;(2)  low  investment  both  in  physical  and  human  capital;  (3)  wide
                  disparities  in  productivity  between  leaders  and  laggards;  and  (4)  digital
                  technologies are not so powerful as previous technological advances. Finally,
                  this paper represents some research questions for measurement in the digital
                  economy: (1) Is SNA still relevant for the changed economic environments; (2)
                  What are the challenges for capturing changes in the economy using SNA? (3)
                  Has mismeasurement problem worsen over time; (4) What are the promising
                  ways moving forward.

                  Digitalisation; Gross Domestic Product; Economic Measurement

                  1.  Introduction
                      Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital computing
                  technologies, usually people perceiving this as conducting business through
                  markets based on the internet and getting benefits of the digitalisation  in
                  everyday life. However, the digital economy increasingly intertwining with the
                  traditional  economy,  has  created  some  new  measurement  challenges  for
                  macroeconomic statistics and may have exacerbated some older ones. This is
                  known as “mismeasurement hypothesis”.
                      There  are  significant  concerns  that  these  production  and  benefits  of
                  digitalization may not be appropriately reflected in official statistics. Statistical
                  agencies  are  typically  unable  to  measure  the  output  that  result  from  the

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