Page 274 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 274

STS587 Hui W. et al.
                  (7)  Some credible verdicts
                      Official  data  understate  the  changes  of  real  output  (Feldstein  2017).
                  According to Groshen & Moyer (2017), downward biases in the BEA official
                  GDP  are  in  the order of  0.39%  –  0.43%  per  year  between  2000 and 2015.
                  Schreyer (2017) estimates downward biases for OECD GDP averaged at 0.45%
                  since 2004. Current measurement procedures may understate the true growth
                  of real GDP and overstate prices (Hulten 2017).

                  2.  Methodology – improve/expanding GDP measures
                  (1) Taking satellite account approaches
                     Satellite accounts derive their name from the fact that they would orbit
                  around the core national accounts. Satellite accounts are pursued for different
                  purposes and hence take different forms:
                  Experimental  in  nature;  Expand  scope  of  national  accounts;  Provide  more
                  incremental  detail  of  an  industry  or  economy;  Modify  existing  structure.
                  Examples include digital economy, health care output, education output, R&D
                  satellite accounts.
                  (2) Searching for better measurement techniques
               •  Measuring quality change for improved goods
                  Different hedonic models; Alternative data sources; Applied to more products.
               •  Dealing with new goods
                  Refining Hick’s reservation price methodology; Applied to different products;
                  Using alternative data sources.
                  (3) Making use of big data
                  •  Enormous  amounts  of  administrative  data  and  transaction  data  are
                      potential available for compiling GDP statistics
                  Credit card transaction data; Scanner data; Motor vehicle registration data
                  •  Improving the accuracy of GDP statistics
                  Empirical  evidence  on  better  estimation  methods;  Checking  consistencies
                  across related measures with multi data sources
                  (4)    Measuring intangible capital
                      Further  research  on  scope  and  classification  of  intangibles;  Developing
                  output-based measures of intangibles; How to measures capital services for
                  (5)    Developing better output measures for services industries
                  •  Key services industries for further research on output measurement
                  Health care; Education; Finance
                  •  Major issues remaining
                  Health care – how to account for quality change
                  Education – what is the output of education
                  Finance – how to treat risk premium
                  (6) Measuring globalization

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