Page 275 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 275

STS587 Hui W. et al.
                Using firm level data to study import/export components of value added
            across industries. Research on the impact of FDI on TFP measurement and
            national income account. Research on how MNEs produce knowledge-based
            assets globally.

            3.  Results
            3.1 Old problems – quality change and services output measurement
                ‘Chronical diseases’ of GDP become more incurable: Quality change and
            new products; Services industry output measurement.
            (1)  Measuring quality changes
                The quality change problem arises when a more desirable new model of a
            good does not cost much more than the old. Constructing quality adjusted
            price indexes has been always difficult. The challenge is much bigger today
            with profusion of new and improved goods in the growing digital economy.
            Research  on  measuring  quality  change  will  be  on  agendas  of  economic
            statistics conferences for years to come.
            (2)  New goods problem
                The new goods problem is even more challenging, as there are no prior
            versions of the good on which to base price comparisons. Current procedures
            for incorporating new goods into existing price indexes are complicated, but
            may miss much of the value of these innovations. By implication, the benefits
            of  important  new  information  technology  goods,  like  the  Internet  and  the
            many applications it enables, may be subject to significant undervaluation.
            (3)  Hard- and easy-to-measure industries
                Easy  to  measure  industries:  Agriculture,  mining,  manufacturing,
            Transportation, utilities; But digital services are hard to measure now. Hard to
            measure  industries:  Most  are  knowledge  intensive  services  industries,
            professional and business services; The real challenges is can we measure the
            (4)  Increasing importance of services industries
                Knowledge-based  services  industries  have  been  transformed  by  digital
            technologies: Health care, Finance, Education. The output measures of health
            care and education are still input based in official GDP statistics. The accuracy
            of measured economic growth critically depends on how services outputs are
            (5)  Output concept
                SNA08 (6.89): output is defined as the goods and services produced by an
            establishment.  Output  is  an  intuitively  simple  concept  in  a  textbook
            production function, but there is a great diversity of products in real world,
            tangible  and  intangible,  differences  in  quality  and  variety.  Aggregation  is
            necessary so that real outputs are measured as to synthetic constructs, no

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