Page 119 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 119

CPS1839 Bahija Nali et al.
            This process allows both to judge the quality of the output estimated and to
            situate it within the national economy.

            2. Results of the study
                 Before presenting the results, it should be noted that this work concerns
            a simulation exercise conducted for the last base year of Moroccan accounts
            namely 2007. Currently, the process of  rebasing our national account is in
            progress,  and  we  propose  to  conduct  the  same  exercise  for  the  new
            benchmark year (2014) to ensure a better exhaustiveness of the Moroccan
                 Moreover, it important to note that the comparable component of the
            databases between supply and use  of labour was  the salaried jobs in non
            agricultural and non financial private sector.
             a)  Undeclared employees
                            Undeclared salaried Employees jobs on FTE basis
             Industry       Labour  Force  Economic      Informal      Undeclared   share
                            Survey        Structures     Sector Survey   employees   %
             Fishing        62675         16809          10941         34925        4,3

             Mining and     48689         30628                        18060        2,2
             Manufacturing  954227        488210         146501        319517       39,3

             Construction   749176        284713         66154         398308       49,1

             Services       1600636       1039912        520168        40556        4,9

             TOTAL          3415403       1860272        743764        811367       100

                 Analysis,  confrontation  of  estimate  of  number  of  employees  in
            accordance  with  the  household  survey  and  the  number  of  employees  at
            enterprises  and  organizations  reported  by  structural  surveys  and  informal
            sector  survey  reveal  that  811367  salaried  jobs  (expressed  in  full  time
            equivalent  basis)  escape  economic  surveys.  In  other  words,  23,8  %  of
            employees are hidden or under-reported.
                 The construction sector is the largest contributor to the hidden work with
            a 49,1%, followed by manufacturing industries with 39,3%.  Services contribute
            for 4,9%, the fishing sector for 4,3% and lastly, mining and quarrying sector
            represents 2,2% of the undeclared jobs.

             b)  Undeclared value added
                 The purpose of the labour input method is to estimate the input and the
            value added concealed using ratios of output and value added per unit of
            labour input. In our paper we propose to use two ratios: in the first case we

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