Page 20 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 20
CPS1468 Takeshi Kurosawa et al.
One particularly appealing characteristic of is that it can be derived in
terms of in terms of Kullback-Leibler distances.
Theorem 2.1. (Theorem 2.1, Eshima and Tabata, 2007) The measure of
predictive power pp can be expressed as
(, ) = ∫ {(), (|)}() = [{(), (|)}],
ℎ () = ∫ (|)}() is the marginal distribution of the response and
(|) ()
{(), (|)} = ∫ (|) log ( ) + ∫ () log ( ) , (1)
() (|)
is referred to as Kullback-Leibler divergence in this article.
Note that {(), (|)} is also often referred as the symmetric
Kullback-Leibler distance between () and (|), and differs from the more
common (asymmetric) Kullback-Leibler distance which comprises only the first
term in (1).
The pp is a relative measure is the sense that (, ) ≥ 0 (as proved by
Eshima and Tabata, 2007), but it is not bounded. On the other hand, by
standardizing the formula in Definition (2.1) we can obtain the entropy
correlation coefficient (ECC, Eshima and Tabata, 2007). Unlike (, ), the
ECC is an absolute measure in the sense that 0 ≤ ≤ 1. As an illustration
of this, if we consider a linear model with ( |) = + = and
() = = ( |), then it can shown that (Eshima and Tabata, 2007,
see Example 1)
var ([ |]) 2
(, ) = [var(|)] = 1 − 2 ,
where is the multiple correlation coefficient.
3. Estimation of pp in Poisson GLMs
We now focus on the specific case of Poisson GLMs with log link function:
log{( |)} = + , | ∼ {exp( + )}, (2)
where () denotes the Poisson distribution with parameter > 0. Note that
a consequence of using the log link is that = + .
We can simply consider an estimator of . For a dataset comprising
observations {( , ); = 1, … , }let = ( , . . . , ) denote the vector of
responses and = (1/) ∑ denote the sample mean. Also, suppose a
Poisson GLM as in (2) is fitted to the data, yielding maximum likelihood
estimates (̂, ) . Then let = ̂ + denote the estimated canonical
̂ ⊤
parameter, = (1/) ∑ its sample mean, and = ( , … , ) . The
unbiased covariance estimator is
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