Page 331 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 331

IPS155 Laura B.
            were made available to the researchers (usually universities) that requested
            the dataset with a letter via ordinary mail. The dataset was sent in magnetic
            tape  archives.  Since  the  late  Nineties,  with  the  Banca  d’Italia’s  web  site,
            households’ survey dataset have been made freely available on the web site,
            and lately also earlier datasets have been included: datasets are now out for
            every  single  survey  in  full  (also  including  data  found  in  the  monographic
            sections of the individual surveys) from the 1989 wave on.
                For households’ survey data GDPR (as earlier the Italian law) states that
            individual  data can  be disseminated  after  data minimization.  We  therefore
            anonymize households’ information and don’t include identification variables
            (birth date and place, residency, day and hour of interview, etc.) in the datasets
            freely available in dedicated Public Use Files (PUF) on the Banca d’Italia web
            site.  PUF  is  a  common  choice  for  data  for  which  anonymization  and  the
            exclusion  of  some  (indirect)  identification  variable  are  enough  for
            safeguarding confidentiality.
                No dataset request form is needed in order to download the PUF file. Many
            other institution (as for example the ECB and Banco di Espaňa) ask households’
            survey data users to fill in a request form online and data are then sent (or
            download is unblocked) after the request is validated by the data provider. We
            have deliberated for no request form and the PUF file is free for download
            without the identification of the user, also for the consideration that PUF can
            easily be transmitted between researchers. Maybe also thanks  to this easy
            access,  households’  survey  data  are  widely  used,  as  witnessed  by  the
            numerous research papers that have been written over the years, and their use
            by some universities during exercising classes. Banca d’Italia just makes it clear
            to users that data are distributed for research purposes only and their use is
            under full and exclusive responsibility of the user. The drawback of this wide
            dissemination policy is that we can’t track the users of households’ survey data,
            as  researchers  usually  fail  to  send  us  back  their  paper.  We  are  therefore
            thinking about adding an online compiling form on the web page, in order to
            collect  some  basic  information  (the  name  of  the  researcher,  institution  or
            university affiliation, title of the research project, etc.) before unblocking the
            download of the PUF.
                In the light of providing researchers with as much as useful information as
            possible,  aside  the  archives  for  every  single  survey  we  deliver  additional
            datasets  with  specific  data  adjustments.  The  first  is  an  historical  database
            containing  data  from  1977  but  only  including  the  subsets  of  variables
            considered useful for longitudinal analyses, after having performed a number
            of  adjustments:  as  the  way  questions  are  posed  (and  therefore  variables
            and/or  variables  options)  may  differ  over  time,  variables  are  ex-post
            harmonized, so that time-series are continuous and longitudinal analyses can
            be easily performed by the researchers, without obliging them to prepare the

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