Page 245 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 245

IPS224 Jorge T. et al.
            Economy (in its different denominations) . Within this Ministry, it became an
            Undersecretariat  under  the  Economic  Policy  Secretariat  until  2009.  Later,
            INDEC was subordinated directly to the Minister of Economy. Although the
            Institute was under the Ministry of Economy until 2007, there is no evidence
            of important interference or relevant pressure from the superior entity to the
                In its beginnings, and during most of the 1970s, INDEC was mainly focused
            on  socio-demographic  statistics,  such  as  population,  employment,
            unemployment  and  poverty.  Since  the  1980s,  the  Institute  progressively
            increased its economic statistics production, a strategic guideline which was
            reinforced in the early 1990s when INDEC began to produce both the country’s
            national and international accounts. Setting aside professional independence,
            the fact that INDEC performs its activities under the Ministry of Treasury has
            its advantages and disadvantages in connection with its administrative and
            institutional  dynamics.  Among  the  advantages,  the  following  may  be
                1.  It enables access to budget resources, in terms of quantity, timeliness
                    and specific characteristics of requirements, given that the Ministry of
                    Treasury drafts the National Budget.
                2.  It  allows  close  interaction  between  Ministry  and  INDEC  officials,
                    improving the definition of priorities, the characteristics of statistical
                    operations and the potential added value for the definition, monitoring
                    and  assessment  of  economic  policy.  In  this  sense,  the  Ministry  of
                    Treasury is the main interested party in INDEC’s statistical production.
                3.  It helps establish communication channels to better explain statistical
                    matters to policymakers within the Ministry.
                Thus, the vertical integration between INDEC’s statistical production and
            the  Ministry  of  Treasury  substantially  reduces  asymmetries  in  information
            between the entity that produces statistical indicators and its main user within
            the National Public Administration. Moreover, being able to access, with the
            Ministry’s endorsement, the available financial resources for statistical projects
            and operations could increase the Institute’s budgetary efficiency and improve
            its resource management.
                Therefore, the advantages could be summarised as follows:
                      better access to the entity that drafts the budget;
                      articulating demands with the main client;

            6  This Ministry was named, successively: “Ministry of Economy and Labour” (1966-1971),
            “Ministry  of  Treasury  and  Finance”  (1971-1973),  “Ministry  of  Economy”  (1973-1991),
            “Ministry of Economy, Public Works and Services” (1991-1999), “Ministry of Economy” (1999-
            2002), “Ministry of Economy and Production” (2002-2008), “Ministry of Economy and Public
            Finance”  (2008-15),  “Ministry  of  Treasury  and  Public  Finance”  (2015-16)  and  since  then
            “Ministry of Treasury”.
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