Page 198 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 198

STS479 Sabit A.H et al.
                  3.  Statistical Development Goals in the GCC
                     The measurement of development has moved from the sole focus on GDP,
                  to  indicators  such  as  the  Human  Development  Index  (HDI),  Millennium
                  Development Goals (MDGs) and now SDGs. These tools have been important
                  in benchmarking progress with other countries, given the rapid progress in
                  GCC countries and NSIs have played a key role.
                     However, it is clear that SDGs are raising the data expectations bar in both
                  the range of required indicators, and the range of disaggregations, to support
                  the SDG spirit of “leave no one behind. (PARIS21, 2019). As PARIS21 note, many
                  SDGs require new methodologies, new data to be collected or indeed new
                  techniques to provide data at the required disaggregations.
                     Meeting these SDG requirements in the GCC, calls for a substantial effort
                  in strategic leadership, collection and capacity building at both a country and
                  regional level.
                  SDGs are recognised as a strategically important project at both the GCC and
                  country levels. Within the GCC, the GCC Secretariat has established a regional
                  SDG Task Force, comprised of representatives of planning agencies, relevant
                  Secretariat  personnel  and  GCC-Stat.  The  taskforce  facilitates  regional
                  cooperation, through identifying common priorities for SDGs at the GCC level,
                  mapping achievements against the national priorities for SDGs, exchanging
                  experiences in the preparation of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), as well
                  as reviewing the regional SDG report, prepared by GCC-Stat. In this way, the
                  regional taskforce plays a key regional coordinating role in identifying regional
                  priorities,  as  well  as  monitoring  and  understanding  regional  progress  in
                  meeting the SDG targets and goals. As a priority for the GCC statistical system,
                  SDGs  are  the  main  focus  of  the  GCC  Statistical  project  –  Development,
                  Progress  and  Sustainability  Indicators,  and  are  increasingly  shaping
                  requirements in other projects. The GCC SDG indicators project focuses on
                  producing regional level SDG indicators, such as periodical reports such as
                  “Progress  Report  about  the  performance  Towards  the  Achievement  of
                  Sustainable  Development  Goals  –  2030  in  the  GCC  Countries”  (GCC-Stat,
                  2018). and agreeing on harmonised regional requirements. The project also
                  provides  the  framework  for  regional  capacity  building  in  SDGs  (discussed
                     Consistent with their coordination roles in their respective national statistical
                  systems,  the  NSIs  in  the  region  also  have  a  key  role  in  the  production,
                  dissemination and analysis of SDG indicators at the country level. Most countries,
                  including for example Bahrain (Kingdom of Bahrain, 2018) and UAE (FCSA) have
                  high-level SDG committees, chaired at the Ministerial level. The NSI has a lead
                  role  in  these  committees,  e.g.  in  the  UAE,  the  Federal  Statistics  and
                  Competitiveness Agency (FCSA) is the Deputy chair of the committee, as well as
                  providing the Secretariat. NSIs have a key role in the production of the SDG

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