Page 247 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 247

STS489 Chibuzor C. N. et al.
            Figure  2:  Total  unobserved  effects  maps  of  spatial  locations  on  the  observed  FGM/C
            prevalence in Kenya (A), Nigeria (C) and Senegal (E), with the corresponding posterior
            probability maps (B), (D) and (F).

            Note. Red colour indicates FGM/C highest risk areas, while green colour indicates FGM/C low
            risk spatial locations. Black colour indicates significantly high risk area; white colour indicates
            significantly low risk area; grey indicates nonsignificant area.

                Figure  3  (top)  shows  the  non-linear  effects  of  mother’s  age  on  her
            daughter’s likelihood of undergoing FGM/C. It was found that in both Kenya
            and  Senegal,  a  girl’s  likelihood  of  experiencing  FGM/C  increased  with  her
            mother’s  age  unlike  in  Nigeria  where  there  was  no  significant  effect  of
            mother’s age on her daughter’s likelihood of being cut. Figure 3 (bottom) also
            shows the temporal variation of FGM/C prevalence from the fully adjusted
            models  across  the  three  countries  depicting  clear  picture  of  temporal
            variations and changes.

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