Page 68 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 68

STS515 Steve MacFeely
                                  Teaching data science - a user perspective
                                    (preparation for a career as an official
                                               Steve MacFeely 1,2
                         1 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland
                                 2 Centre for Policy Studies, University College Cork, Ireland

                  Within the broader panoply of statistics and data science, official statistics is a
                  discipline  of  its  own.  While  it  requires  the  same  core  skills  as  most  other
                  statistical professions, it also requires other dimensions or elements unique to
                  official statistics. Most formal statistical and data scientist training has to date,
                  not  addressed  these  other  elements,  and  therefore  have  not  equipped
                  students very well for the complex and challenging world of official statistics.
                  Introducing students to this fascinating world in university, would allow them
                  to better understand how statistics can play an integral role in public policy
                  and the important role they could play in shaping the way we think about our
                  world.  This  paper  discusses,  from  the  perspective  of  an  employer  of  data
                  scientist and statistical graduates, some of the topics that universities might
                  consider including in their curricula. Furthermore, the argument that a greater
                  focus on nurturing competencies rather than on developing specific skills to
                  prepare students for a rapidly changing world is explored.

                  official statistics; statistical literacy; skills; competencies

                  1.  Introduction

                         Q: What’s the difference between a data scientist and a statistician?
                         A: 40K per annum

                      For the purposes of this paper, I am treating a data scientist and a statistician
                  as being synonymous (I won’t be addressing salary differentials). Perhaps if we
                  dive  deep  enough  there  are  some  subtle  differences,  but  for  all  practical
                  purposes I believe they are essentially the same profession requiring the same
                  skills  and  competencies.  The  real  difference  perhaps  is  that  one  –  the  data
                  scientist has jumped on the ‘data revolution’ wave and has rebaptised him or
                  herself for marketing reasons. For the remainder of the paper, I will refer to
                  statisticians, but the reader can substitute data scientist if they prefer.
                      It  might  seem  obvious,  but  a  statistician  hoping  to  work  as  an  official
                  statistician in a National Statistical Office (NSO) or National Statistical System
                  (NSS) should be statistically literate or should at least be capable of becoming
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