Page 76 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 76

STS515 Steve MacFeely
                  students to think about the complex role that data and statistics play in todays
                  data driven world. The role of Diploma in Official Statistics  in Ireland or the
                  European Master in Official Statistics  are interesting case studies as they were
                  designed with input from official statisticians and take a broader perspective
                  than traditional statistics courses. Nevertheless, more could be done to widen
                  the scope of statistics courses, making them more interesting, linking them to
                  the great debates of the day, and showcasing what a fascinating and rewarding
                  career may be awaiting graduates.

                   1.  Gal, I. (2002). Adults’ Statistical Literacy: Meanings, Components, and
                      Responsibilities. International Statistical Review, 70, 1, 1-25.
                   2.  MacFeely, S. (2018). ‘Big Data and Official Statistics’ in Kruger, S. and
                      Kruger, M. (Eds.) in Big Data Governance and Perspectives in Knowledge
                      Management, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp.25 – 54.
                   3.  United Nations (2014). Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.
                      Resolution 68/261 adopted by the General Assembly on January 29,
                      2014. A/RES/68/261.
                   4.  Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (2014). Principles
                      Governing International Statistical Activities.
                   5.  ISI (2010). Declaration of Professional Ethics.
                   6.  Committee of the Chief Statisticians of the United Nations System (2018).
                      United Nations Statistics Quality Assurance Framework.
                   7.  UNSD (2012) Generic National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF).
                   8.  MacFeely, S. (2016). The Continuing Evolution of Official Statistics: Some
                      Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 32, No. 4,
                      2016, pp. 789–810
                   9.  Fukuda-Parr, S. and O’Neill, D. (2019). Knowledge and Politics in Setting
                      and Measuring the SDGs: Introduction to Special Issue, Global Policy, Vol.
                      10 (1), pp.5 – 15.
                   10. Anderson (2008). The End of Theory: The data deluge makes the scientific
                      method obsolete. Wired June 27, 2008.
                   11. MacFeely, S. and J. Dunne (2014). Joining up public service information:
                      The rationale for a national data infrastructure. Administration, Vol.61,
                      No.4, pp. 93–107.

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