Page 71 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 71

CPS904 Saeed Fayyaz et al.
               includes the following 7 ICT indicators covering 6 targets under Goals 4, 5, 9,
               and  17.  (The  organization  indicated  in  brackets  tracks  the  indicator  at  the
               international level)
                     1)  Target 4a: Proportion of schools with access to the Internet for
                         pedagogical purposes (UIS)
                     2)  Target 4a: Proportion of schools with access to computers for
                         pedagogical purposes (UIS)
                     3)  Target 4.4: Proportion of youth/adults with ICT skills, by type of
                         skills (ITU)
                     4)  Target 5b: Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone,
                         by sex (ITU)
                     5)  Target 9c: Percentage of the population covered by a mobile
                         network, broken down by technology (ITU)
                     6)  Target 17.6: Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions, broken down
                         by speed (ITU)
                     7)  Target 17.8: Proportion of individuals using the Internet (ITU)
                   On  the  other  hand;  Background  note  prepared  by  the  Partnership  on
               Measuring  ICT  for  Development,  Joint  proposal  of  ICT  indicators  for  the
               Sustainable  Development  Goal  (SDG)  indicator  framework  in  Feb  2015,
               resulted to different ICT indicators fit to the SDGs’ targets which illustrated in
               tables 1 to 8. [11]

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