Page 66 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 66

CPS2029 Amira Al-Salhi
                      Table 1 shows the mean values of temperature, humidity, and rainfall for
                  the different seasons in Salalah from January 2011 to December 2017. The
                  September quarter has the lowest temperature mean value and the highest
                  amount of rainfall due to the highest percentage of humidity whereas June
                  quarter has the highest temperature mean value.
                   Table 1: Average temperature (°C), average humidity (%), and average rainfall (mm)
                                              in Salalah, 2011‐2017
                                                  Temperature      Humidity        Rainfall
                                                      (°C)           (%)            (mm)

                       Winter (March quarter)         32.1            84.8          1.1

                        Spring (June quarter)         34.6            90.3          1.8

                    Summer (September quarter)        30.3            91.3         10.0

                       Fall (December quarter)        33.2            84.3          4.9
                  Source: National Centre for Statistics & Information
                      Salalah attracts many people from other parts of Oman, the GCC and other
                  Arab countries during the monsoon/khareef season.
                      The total number of tourists to Salalah in fall season in 2017 reached about
                  644,931 tourists, with an average increase of 12% from 2011 to 2017. Around
                  94% of tourists to Salalah in 2017 came for leisure. Domestic visitors (from
                  Oman) accounted for 71% of all tourists to Salalah in the fall season.  Figure 6
                  shows the mean of tourist flows to Salalah by season from January 2011 to
                  December 2017. The September quarter has the heights seasonal mean value
                  and June quarter has the lowest seasonal mean value.
                     Figure 6: Average number of tourists’ arrival to Salalah by season, 2011‐2017




                        WINTER (MARCH    SPRING (JUNE      ( SEPTEMBER      ( DECEMBER
                                                            QUARTER)         QUARTER)

                          Source: National Centre for Statistics & Information
                      Figure  6  and  table  1  show  that  there  is  a  link  between  the  seasonal
                  variation  in  tourist  arrivals  and  the  climate  variables.  For  example,  The
                  September quarter seasonal variation mean value is high, which is consistent

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   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71