Page 85 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 85

CPS2202 Oladugba Abimibola Victoria et al.
                The  assumption  of  homogeneity  of  variance  (HOV)  also  known  as
            homoscedasticity  implies  that  the  variance  within  each  of  the  population
            groups  are  equal.  This  is  one  of  the  assumptions  of  analysis  of  variance
            (ANOVA). When this assumption is violated, there is a greater probability of
            falsely  rejecting  the  null  hypothesis.  Lack  of  homoscedasticity  is  known  as
            heteroscedasticity. The statistical validity of many commonly used tests such
            as the t-test and ANOVA depend on the extent to which the data conform to
            the assumption of HOV. Accessing HOV is of paramount importance to many
            researchers  as  they  are  concerned  with  whether  the  dispersion  of  the
            dependent variable is similar across multiple groups. When comparing groups,
            their dispersion on the dependent variable should be relatively equal at each
            level of the independent (factor or grouping) variable (and neither should their
            sample sizes vary greatly across the groups), this implies that the dependent
            variable should exhibit equal levels of variance across the range of groups.
            Furthermore, violation of the assumption of HOV distort the F-distribution in
            ANOVA to such an extent that the critical F-value no longer corresponds to
            the chosen level of significance, this leads to a serious type-one-error Peter (
            2013). Heteroscedasticity may not only affect the validity test, it may also have
            a negative effect on the coverage of the confidence intervals and the accuracy
            of the estimator Koning (2014).
                According to Parra-Frutos (2012) problems of heteroscedasticity of data
            set arise when the sample sizes are unequal. Usually unequal sized groups are
            common in research and may be as a result of simple randomization. In test
            like  ANOVA,  having  both  unequal  sample  sizes  and  variance  dramatically
            affects  statistical  power  and  type-one-error  rates  Vanhove  (2018).  Test
            statistics is relatively insensitive to small departures from the assumption of
            equal variances for the treatments if the sample sizes are equal, this is not the
            case for  unequal  sample  sizes;  Also,  power  of  the  test  is  maximized  if the
            samples are of equal sizes Montgomery (2013).
                One of the basic assumptions to formulate classical tests for comparing
            variances is normal distribution of samples Garbunova & Lemeshko (2012). It
            is  well  known  that  classical  tests  are  very  sensitive  to  departures  from
            normality. Therefore, the application of classical criteria always involves the
            question of how valid the obtained results are when the data are non-normal.
            Testing for the equality of variance is a difficult problem due to the fact that
            many tests are not robust to non-normality and are affected by sample sizes
            Vanhove (2018). Therefore, given that there are several methods available in
            testing for HOV, it would be of interest to determine which of them perform
            best under normality and non-normality when the sample sizes are equal and
            unequal. In this work, seven HOV tests using one-way and two-way ANOVA
            models were compared when the data are normal and non-normal for equal
            and unequal sample sizes. They are Bartlett test, Levene’s Test, Z-Variance test,

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