Page 111 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 111

STS518 Steen T.
            3.3 Theorem ([21],[15],[7]). For any (Borel-) probability measures µ , µ  on ℝ
            we have that

            for all z in a region of ℂ where all three free cumulant transforms are defined.
                We  can  now  state  a  Lévy-Khintchine  type  representation  for  the  free
            cumulant transform of a free infinitely divisible probability law:

            3.4  Theorem  ([7]).  For  a  measure  µ  in  P(R)  the  following  conditions  are
              (i)  µ  ∈  ℐ(⊞).
              (ii)    may be extended to an analytic function   : ℂ → ℂ.
              (iii)  There exist unique a in [0, ∞), η in ℝ and a Lévy measure ρ on ℝ, such

                 The  triplet (a, ρ, η) appearing  in  (iii)  of  Theorem  3.4  is  called  the  free
            characteristic triplet for µ. In terms of the characteristic triplet, we have the
            following  characterizations  of  the  classes  of  stable  and  self-decomposable
            probability laws in free probability:

            3.5 Theorem ([7], [2]). For µ in ℐ(⊞) with free characteristic triplet (a, ρ, η)
            it holds that:
              (i)  μ ∈ (⊞)Γ(⊞), if and only if a = 0, and ρ has the form:

                  for suitable constants c c in [0,∞) and α in (0,2).
                                         + −
              (ii)  μ  ∈ ℒ(⊞),  if  and  only  if  ρ  has  the  form:  ρ(dt) =  dt,  where  k  is
                  increasing on (−∞, 0) and decreasing on (0, ∞).

            3.6  The  Bercovici-Pata  bijection.  The  theorem  above  demonstrates  a
            complete  analogy  to  the  characterizations  of  the  classical  stable  and
            selfdecomposable  distributions  in  terms  of  the  classical  Lévy-Khintchine
            representation.  This  is  no  coincidence.  In  fact  the  mapping  that  maps  a
            measure  in  ℐ(∗)  with  characteristic  triplet  (, , )  onto  the  measure  in
            ℐ(⊞) with free characteristic triplet (, , ) is (obviously)  bijection, but it
            also preserves scaling of measures and satisfies that ( ) =   (for all  in ℝ)
            and  that (µ ∗ µ ) = (µ ) ⊞ (µ ) for  all µ , µ  inℐ(∗)).  These  properties
            immediately  imply  that ((∗)) =  (⊞) and (ℒ(∗)) =  ℒ(⊞),  and  hence
            the characterizations in Theorem 3.5 follow readily from the corresponding
            classical results (see e.g. [18]). The mapping Λ was introduced in [6] and is
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