Page 193 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 193

STS540 Zhi Song et al.
            IC if during the course of Phase-II monitoring we observe F = G, that is when
            θ = 0 and δ = 1. When the process is OOC, either θ ≠ 0 or δ ≠ 1 or both.
            2.1 EL monitoring shemes
                This section provides the structure of traditional EL monitoring sheme and
            further extends its design by using FIR features. Mukherjee [4] proposed some
            single distribution-free EWMA schemes for monitoring the location and the
            scale parameters of an unknown but continuous univariate process at Phase-
            II. These schemes are based on the well-known Lepage statistic and referred
            to as the EL procedures. The Lepage statistic is the sum of squares of the
            standardized  Wilcoxon  rank-sum  (WRS)  statistic  for  location  and  the
            standardized Ansari-Bradley (AB) statistic for scale. The WRS statistic, denoted
            as TW, j, is interpreted as the sum of ranks of the jth test sample in the combined
            sample of size N(=m+n). Further, the AB statistic, denoted as TAB, j, is defined
            by the sum of the absolute deviation of ranks of the jth test sample in the
            combined sample from the average rank, that is, (N +1)/2. The standardized
            WRS and AB statistics for the jth inspection state are    =   , −   and    =
                      ,  respectively,  where  (µ , σ )  and  (µAB,σAB)  are  the  means  and
             , − 
            standard deviations of TW, j and TAB,  j , under the IC case: θ = 0 and δ = 1.
            Detailed  expressions  for  (µW  ,σW)  and  (µAB,σAB)  are  given  in  the  work  of
            Mukherjee and Chakraborti [5] and hence are omitted here. Thereafter, the
            Lepage statistic is defined as   =      +    .
                The  plotting  statistic  of the  EL  procedure  is  given  by  =  max{2,λ   +
            (1−λ)  −1 }, j = 1,2,... and with the starting value Z0 = 2, as E( |IC) = 2. Here, 0
            < λ ≤ 1 is the smoothing parameter. Next, we look on some FIR-based EL
            schemes,  which  allow  to  improve  the  detection  performance  at  early  time
                1.  EL scheme with FIR version of Lucas and Saccucci [1] [EL-fir] Lucas
            and Saccucci [1] used an FIR feature for the EWMA to improve its performance
            at start-up. We propose using the FIR feature with the fixed-width control limit
            EL scheme (denoted as EL-fir) in the line of Lucas and Saccucci [1], which is
            formulated as follows:

                                 =   {  ∈  ℕ|  > 2 + √  }
                                                             2 − λ

            The EL-fir scheme triggers a signal whenever   exceeds the  2 + √ 2−λ .
            The  stopping  variable  C  is  the  number  of  samples  until  the  scheme  first
            generates  a  signal.  We  set  the  starting  value  ℎ  = 2 + ℎ × √ 2−λ ,  where

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