Page 198 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 198

STS540 Zhi Song et al.
                  shifted exponential distribution (denoted by SE(, )) represents the skewed
                  distribution. The IC sample is from SE(0,1), but the test samples are from a
                  SE(, ) distribution having pdf () =  − (−) ,  ∈ (, ∞) with mean=  + 
                  and  variance=  .  To  examine  the  effect  of  shifts  in  location  and  scale
                  parameters,  we  consider  the  quartile  deviation  (QD)  for  each  of  the  three
                  distributions. 12 combinations of  and  values are considered, that is, θ =0,
                  QD/4 and QD/2 along with δ =1, 1+QD/4, 1+QD/2 and 1+QD. For brevity, we
                  only  represent    =  100 ,    =  5  and    =  0.1  case  for  all  schemes  for
                  comparison  purposes.  A  similar  conclusion  holds  for  other  parameter
                  conditions. Two situations, namely “Ideal case (True case)” and “Practical case
                  (Estimated case)” are considered for numerical studies. As their names imply,
                  these cases are briefly explained in Section 3. The ideal case is unobservable
                  because  the  process  distribution  is  unknown.  The  practical  case  is  the
                  optimization procedure of what we are facing. Here we choose   =  10 and
                    =  0.04, i.e., CUFAP(10)=0.04. Employing constraints on CUFAP(10)=0.04, we
                  obtain the optimal chart schemes (ℎ,  ) and (ℎ,  ̂) , respectively for the ideal
                  case and the practical case, to achieve a minimum of CUTSP(10). Usually, exact
                  amount of possible shift is unknown and therefore, the practitioners will prefer
                  to  choose  a  combination  of  (ℎ,  ̂)  that  has  overall  good  performance
                  irrespective of the exact size of shift. To this end, we further introduce the
                  mean of ℎ, recorded as ℎ. We compute this by calculating the mean of ℎ over
                  shifts (, ) under consideration. We also consider the mean of ℎ, say ℎ as a
                  benchmark and for comparison. The comparative results for the two cases are
                  summarized in Table 1. From Table 1, we find that the optimization model
                  performs very efficiently for all the three distributions for most of the 11 OOC
                  scenarios in terms of the proximity between ℎ and ℎ. Furthermore, the last row
                  under each distribution in Table 1 is ℎ ( ̅ ) and (ℎ, ̅) of each scheme. It is
                                                                      ℎ ̂
                  observed that they are extremely close.

                  5.  Concluding remarks
                      In  this  paper,  we  present  an  optimal  designing  strategy  for  the
                  nonparametric EWMA schemes with FIR features to facilitate early detection
                  of shift with a restriction on the early false alarm probability. Then we apply
                  this  design  method  to  the  wellknown  EL  and  EC  monitoring  schemes  for
                  implementation. It is worth mentioning that the distribution-free characteristic
                  of the plotting statistic of a nonparametric scheme is, in general, not valid
                  under a process shift. As a consequence, the pure theoretical optimal charting
                  scheme  is  practically  unobservable.  Noting  that  the  underlying  process
                  distribution  is  often  unknown,  we  propose  a  data-dependent  estimation
                  procedure based on KDE for evaluation of the optimal design parameters.
                  Simulation results show that overall performance of the estimation procedure

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