Page 219 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 219
STS541 Arturo B. E.
out the actions tending to achieve i) the conceptual adaptation of the
Information of National Interest to the needs that the economic and social
development of the country imposes, ii) that the information is comparable in
time and space, and iii) the adaptation of statistical and geographical
procedures to international standards, to facilitate comparison.
The Law itself recognizes the importance of statistical and geographical
activities related to natural disasters. In particular, section II of article 64
establishes that "after complying with the corresponding legal and
administrative formalities and favorable agreement of its Governing Board, the
Institute shall provide the support requested by the Federal Executive in case
information is required to prevent and, where appropriate, respond to
emergencies or catastrophes caused by natural disasters”.
For its part, in the last paragraph of Article 78 of the LSNIEG, an explicit
mention is made of the nature of such information, since it indicates that "... it
may also be considered as Information of National Interest that is necessary
to prevent and, in his case, attend emergencies or catastrophes caused by
natural disasters ... ".
In Mexico, there is a specific legal framework that empowers INEGI to
develop statistical and geographic activities that contribute to the prevention
and attention of contingencies caused by natural disasters.
3. Actions in statistical matter
INEGI's efforts have focused on the design and implementation of
strategies related to the generation of statistical and geographic information,
whose fundamental purpose is to contribute to timely decision-making
(before, during and after natural contingencies have occurred). In this sense,
the actions in statistical matter carried out so far, focus mainly on the design,
generation and dissemination of economic information of companies in our
It should be noted that these actions could not be carried out by any other
Institution, since it implies taking advantage of the extensive statistical
infrastructure available to the INEGI, which serve as a basis to offer an
immediate response to natural disasters that may occur throughout the year
in all the national territory.
Among the most important strategies, the following stand out.
a) Design and update of the master sample of companies.
The main purpose of the master sample is to integrate a set of company’s
representative of the national context, as well as to carry out the permanent
updating of the location and location data of the companies based on the
Statistical Business Register of Mexico, in order to obtain timely samples that
serve for the realization of specific surveys whose theme focuses on the effects
caused by natural disasters.
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