Page 93 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 93

STS517 Zaoli C. et al.
            of magnitude of  the normalization in the limit theorems changes, and the
            nature of the limit changes as well; see Samorodnitsky (2004) and Owada and
            Samorodnitsky  (2015b).  Furthermore,  the  limit  may  even  stop  having  the
            Fréchet distribution (or Fréchet marginal distributions, in the functions limit
            theorems); see Samorodnitsky and Wang (2017). It is reasonable to expect that
            similar  phenomena  happen  for  random  fields,  but  because  it  is  harder  to
            quantify how long the memory is when the time is not one-dimensional, less
            is known in this case.
                In this paper we will concentrate on the case where the random field  is
            a symmetric -stable () random field, 0  <    <  2. Recall that this means
            that every finite linear combination of the values of the values of the random
            field has a one-dimensional SαS distribution, i.e. has a characteristic function
            of the form exp{− |θ| }, θ  ∈  ℝ, where   ∈ [0, ∞) is a scale parameter that
            depends on the linear combination; see Samorodnitsky and Taqqu (1994). The
            marginal  distributions  of    random  fields  satisfy  the  regular  variation
            assumption (1.2) with 0  <    <  2 that coincides with the index of stability. In
            this case a series of results on the relation between the sizes of the extremes
            of stationary SαS random fiels and certain ergodic-theoretical properties of
            the Lévy measures of these fields is due to Parthanil Roy and his coworkers;
            see Roy and Samorodnitsky (2008), Chakrabarty and Roy (2013), Sarkar and
            Roy  (2016).  These  results  are  made  possible  because  of  the  connection
            between  the  structure  of  the    random  fields  and  ergodic  theory
            established by Rosiński (2000).
                This paper contributes to understanding the extremal limit theorems for
             random fields and their connection to the dynamics of the Lévy measures.
            In this sense our paper is related to the ideas of Rosiński (2000). However, we
            will restrict ourselves to certain Markov flows. This will allow us to avoid, to a
            large extent, the language of ergodic theory, and state everything in purely
            probabilistic terms. There is not doubt, however, that our results could  be
            extended to more general dynamical systems acting on the Lévy measures of
             random fields. The generality in which work is sufficient to demonstrate
            the new phenomena that may arise in extremal limit theorems for random
            fields with long range dependence. We will exhibit new types of limits, some
            of which will have non-Fréchet distributions, both in the space of random sup
            measures and in the space (ℝ ).

            2.  A  random field with long range dependence
                We start with a construction of a family of stationary SαS random fields,
            0  <  α  <  2 ,   whose   memory      has   a   natural   finite-dimensional
            parameterization. It is an extension to random fields of models considered
            before  in  the  case  of  one-dimensional  time;  see  e.g.  Resnick  et  al.  (2000),

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