Page 189 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 189

CPS1868 Jo R.
                The maths and stats series was an eye-opener for Scandinavian science
            communicators  in  general  and  teachers,  lecturers  and  communicators  of
            maths and stats in particular. Røislien received in 2013 the
            Swedish award ‘Statistics Promoter of the Year’ alongside the famous Hans
                 Prof Røislien and director Holm-Glad have since experimented further
            with using pop cultural short films for communicating maths and stats, even
            using highly commercial outlets, creating among others a promotional film
            for telecom operator Telia based on scientific, quantitative research into the
            association  between  music  and  physiology  and  psychology  (Figure  4),  in
            order to help push quantitative scientific thinking into the mainstream.
                 Experts  in  popcultural  communication  allows  for  a  level  of  outreach
            scientists are unable to match, having only a limited know-how of how to
            perform  mass  communication  on  a  large  scale  to  the  public.  By  allowing
            professional communicator with contemporary pop-cultural competence and
            know-how into the communication of statistics it is possible to reach out to
            – and teach – the general public stats topics which the stats community is
            woefully  underskilled  to  do  on  its  own.  Teaming  statisticians  up  with
            professional communicators opens up for more effective communication of
            important basic statistical competence on a large scale

             1.  McSpadden, K (2015, May 14). You now have a shorter attention span
                 than a goldfish [Web log post]. Retrieved January 28, 2019, from
             2.  Cisco (2017, June 8). Cisco visual networking index predicts global
                 annual IP traffic to exceed three zettabytes by 2021 [Web log post].
                 Retrieved January 28, 2019, from
                 release-content?type=webcontent&articleId=1853168 3. Revkin, AC
                 (2012, January 11). Can better communication of climate science cut
                 climate risks? [Web log post]. Retrieved January 28, 2019, from
             3.  Voldheim D (2017, June 18). TELIA – music freedom [Web log post].
                 Retrieved January 28, 2019, from

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