Page 85 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 85

CPS1829 Lana Clara Chikhungu et al.

                            Married women’s experience of domestic
                         violence in Malawi: New evidence from a cluster
                           and multinomial logistic regression analysis
                Lana Clara Chikhungu , Mark Amos , Ngianga II Kandala , Saseendran
                1 School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature, Faculty Humanities and Social
                                    Sciences, University of Portsmouth.
               2 School of Health Science and Social Work, Faculty of Sciences, University of Portsmouth.
                                           Southampton, UK

            Violence against women is a global issue with estimates indicating that 35%
            of  all  women  world-wide  have  experienced  either  physical  and/or  sexual
            intimate partner violence or non-partner violence in their life time.  In Malawi
            42%  of  ever-married  women  have  experienced  some  form  of  violence
            perpetrated by their current or most recent spouse. A number of studies have
            investigated  intimate  partner  violence  in  Malawi  within  the  context  of
            HIV/AIDS and girls sexual abuse and a few report on the role of socio-cultural
            factors  in  influencing  gender  based  violence.    No  study  has  used  cluster
            analysis to systematically analyse the groups affected domestic violence across
            different  dimensions  of  abuse.  Using  the  2015  Malawi  Demographic  and
            Health  Survey  data,  we  employed  cluster  analysis  and  multinomial  logistic
            regression to analyse the distribution of different forms of abuse amongst
            married women in Malawi and the key attributes associated with each form of
            abuse. Correlates of domestic violence significantly differ by levels of abuse
            and  are  distributed  as  follows;  controlling  behaviour  (11.8%),  general
            controlling  behaviour  (27.1%),  moderate  physical  and  emotional  abuse
            (27.2%)  and  the  high  and  complete  abuse  (8.5%).    Alcohol  consumption,
            ethnicity and women working status were significantly associated with all four
            levels of abuse but age and religion were only  associated with controlling
            behaviour and generalised controlling behaviour.  The strength of association
            between  husband’s  alcohol  consumption,  woman’s  working  status  and
            marriage type and domestic violence increased by level of abuse.  On each of
            these factors, the odds of experiencing violence were lowest in the controlling
            behaviour group and highest in the high physical and emotional abuse group.
            Policies and programmes that are designed to tackle violence against married
            women  in  Malawi  should  incorporate  strategies  that  discourage  excessive
            drinking,  promote  messages  that  women  can  be  bread  winners  and
            discourage polygamous marriage.

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