Page 150 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 150

IPS122 Elise C. et al.
                  5.  Concluding remarks
                      Although the Lab is still in its early days, it is clear that the opportunities
                  for  new  synergies  with  production  units  have  been  positively  welcomed
                  throughout the official statistics service ecosystem. The creation of the Lab is
                  proving to be promising in terms of acquiring, maintaining and disseminating
                  data science knowledge. What’s more, it is already mobilising people within
                  our organisation, and helping to inspire and motivate the next generation of
                  our statisticians.

                  1.  Combes, S and Bortoli, C: Apports de Google Trends pour prévoir la
                      conjoncture : des pistes limitées, Note de conjoncture, March 2015
                  2.  Combes, S., Bortoli, C. and Renault, T.:” Nowcasting payroll employment
                      with traditional media content”, New Techniques and Technologies for
                      Statistics conference, March 2017.
                  3.  de Bellefon, M.-P., Givord, P., Sakarovitch, B., Vanhoff, M. : “Allô, où es-tu
                      ? Estimer la population résidente à partir de données de téléphonie
                      mobile, une première exploration, in revision in Economics and Statistics,
                  4.  Galiana, L. and Sakarovitch, B. and Smoreda, Z.: “Understanding socio-
                      spatial segregation in French cities with mobile phone data”, 2018,
                      presented at this conference.
                  5.  Vanhoof M., Combes S., de Bellefon M.-P.: “Mining Mobile Phone to
                      recognize Urban Areas” in A. Petrucci and R. Verde, eds., SIS 2017
                      Statistics and Data Science: New Challenges, New Generations.
                      Proceedings of the Conference of the Italian Statistical Society (Florence:
                      Firenze University Press, 2017) 1005-1012.

                  Annex: Ongoing projects
                  Exploring new data
                  - Student evaluation log files: more information to assess student response
                  strategies [with the Education ministry statistical service, and IT department
                  of INSEE]
                  - Mobile phone data - residential population, social segregation [with
                  Orange Labs, ESSnet Big data] (cf 4.3) - Branch agreements: What protection
                  for employees? A textmining approach [with master’s students] - Satellite
                  Data and city heat islands [with the INSEE geographic methods unit]
                  - New panel data about professional careers of both wage-earners and
                  entrepreneurs [with INSEE social studies Directorate]
                  Applying new methods
                  - Les champs de Sirene: Automatic detection of employer in census [with IT
                  department and hackathon participants] (cf 4.1)

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