Page 217 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 217

IPS142 Dr. Fahad S. A. et al.
            more than (55000) supervisory and executive bodies and through (44000)
            field enumerators.

            Data Collection
                Enumerators will be using tablets to complete field data according to the
            household’s post address available in the database of the National Information
            Centre after reviewing them with the head of the household and then sending
            these data to GASTAT’s database.
                The census questionnaire will be filled out by
                •  Self-enumeration;  the  head  of  the  household  will  be  using  an
                    electronic link that is connected with the database of the National
                    Information Centre.
                •  Transferring data of the field or electronic data from the database of
                    the National Information Centre into GASTAT’s database through sites

            Population and Housing Census questionnaire

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