Page 213 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 213

IPS142 Dr. Fahad S. A. et al.
                    V' Sharing the form content with all clients.
                    V' The outputs of this census are used as a frame for surveys
                        once the linkage processes are completed.
                 •  Technical dimension
                     V' Use of buildings coordinates and addressing systems at the leveof
                        cities and villages.
                     V'  Data  collection  systems  by  using  CAPI  method  “Computer-
                        assisted personal interviewing”. V' Synchronizing data from the
                        National Information Centre and GASTAT databases while
                        interviewing the head of the household by using tablets.
                     V'  Following  up  the  enumerator’s  progress  in  the  field  and
                        calculating all the field quality indicators.
                 •  Data availability and Publication
                     V' Instant results during the enumerating period and after completing
                        the enumeration process.
                     V'  Flexibility of bulletin at any required geographical level.
                     V'  Use of all means of bulletin (traditional and electronic), in
                        addition to the use of business intelligence system.

            2.  Development of the Census Methodology
                While conducting the Population and Housing Census in 1974, 1992, 2004,
            and 2010, Saudi Arabia relied on the method of traditional enumeration, in
            addition  to  the  ICR  technology.  Portable  devices  were  also  used  in  the
            Establishments  Census 2010,  whereas  tablets  were  used  in  the  agricultural
            census, household and economic surveys, and Hajj statistics. Meanwhile, Saudi
            Arabia  seeks  to  use  the  register-based  method  while  conducting  the
            Population, Housing, and Establishments Census 2020 to cope with the rapid
            development of the Information Technology field that facilitates the process
            of data flow and comprehension. Hence, it is necessary to change the method
            of enumeration from a traditional one into a more modern method, which is
            “the register-based method”

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