Page 27 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 27

IPS30 Diana B.
                Considering the new situation, Statistics Estonia decided to start preparing
            a register-based census and test the situation in the two trial censuses in 2016
            and 2019.
            New goals were set to:
                •  resolve  questions  of  substantive  /  legal  /  technical  possibility  of  a
                    register-based census;
                •  settle the relationship between the definitions of register and census
                •  create a concept and plan for capture of census data;
                •  develop a methodology for determining the population of the census,
                    i.e. who should be enumerated;
                •  develop  a  framework  for  quality  improvement  that  would  ensure
                    coverage, accuracy, regular updating of data in registers.
                In conclusion, during the period of discussions about the register-based
            census  in  2009–2015,  progress  was  made  towards  networking  and
            interoperability  of  information  systems.  An  address  standard  has  been
            adopted by the population register, data quality is measured by both database
            keepers and Statistics Estonia, there is a secure data exchange environment,
            registers have owners and the owners have tasks, census data can be used for
            data methodology work and quality standards have been established for data.
                The development of methodology for a register-based census in Estonia
            began in 2010 with an inter-institutional methodology project, which resulted
            in a relatively negative assessment of Estonia’s system of registers and raised
            questions about Estonia’s ability to conduct a register-based census.

            Chapter 3
            Preparations in 2015–2019
                Analysing  the  methodology  report  and  results  of  the  last  census,  the
            decision was made to continue development of the methodology within the
            EU grant works.
                From 2015 to 2019, the methodology team for register-based census at
            Statistics Estonia has worked in the following main directions:
                1.  Cooperation with state registers to verify the quality of data therein,
                    identify shortcomings and support efforts to improve the quality;
                2.  Development  and  testing  of  algorithms  for  calculation  of  census
                    characteristics based on the information found in registers;
                3.  Development of methodology (indexes) for correcting inaccuracies in
                    register  data  through  models  based  on  information  obtained  from
                    multiple registers and other sources of information.
                The main concern in a register-based census pertains to the poor quality
            of registers, which results from incorrect data submitted by the population.

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