Page 340 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 340

IPS155 Manuel S. V. et al.
                  attend data requirements of financial authorities and there is a broad set of
                  statistics and graphs of the operation of the market published using the time
                  series platform and the interactive graphic platform. Nonetheless, a broader
                  definition  and  implementation  of  improvements  of  the  data  dissemination
                  processes and tools is still work in progress.

                  4.  Recent Improvements on Sharing and Dissemination of Microdata
                      and some Potential Uses
                      As mentioned above, the financial reform strengthened the data-sharing
                  scheme. In recent years as a complement to the 2000 general agreement, two
                  additional MoUs were signed between Banco de Mexico and CONDUSEF in
                  2015, and with CONSAR in 2017. In addition, Banco de Mexico is currently
                  working on MoUs with other domestic financial authorities.
                      Banco  de  Mexico  shares  information  with  CONDUSEF  about  banks’
                  financial  products  (deposit  products  and  credit  products)  and  their
                  characteristics  and  services,  fees  and  interest  rates,  transactions  in  retail
                  payment  systems  (checks,  ATM  transactions,  TPS  transactions,  electronic
                  transfers, etc.) and e-commerce payments.
                      CONSAR  and  Banco  de  Mexico  share  information  on  derivatives  and
                  securities transactions performed by banks with the Pension Funds (SIEFORES),
                  daily information about the composition of the investment portfolio of these
                  funds and data on savings, and the demographic characteristics of workers.
                      Data dissemination by publication is another important way of increasing
                  the value of the information collected. Banco de Mexico has been expanding
                  the publication of financial data, particularly on derivatives.
                      In 2016, Banco de Mexico published a broad set of statistics on derivatives
                  (turnover and outstanding operations, and the forward exchange rate). In the
                  same year, it was launched an interactive portal for financial information (PIIF).
                  In this platform, it was included a graphic overview of the derivatives market
                  in Mexico using some of the most relevant published derivatives statistics.
                  More recently, graphic information was published on outstanding government
                  securities sectored by holder (securities issued by the Federal Government,
                  IPAB, and Banco de Mexico).
                      Although currently the PIIF  has  only been used to disseminate graphic
                  information, this portal will be used to disseminate micro-data on loans and
                  market operations. Figure 3 and Figure 4 are examples of derivate operations
                  information included in the PIIF. Figure 3 shows outstanding derivatives by
                  type of counterparty and, Figure 4 shows turnover and average exchange rates
                  on forwards on US dollar vs Mexican peso.

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