Page 181 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 181

IPS195 Albert B.
               maybe more interested in detailed data and time series. Furthermore, the
               needs of stakeholders at the political and government levels are important,
               so that official statistics should offer inputs to address political agendas
               both, at the national and international level. At the international level this
               concerns for instance the UNAgenda 2030 or the Paris Climate Agreement.
               Against the background of the growing world population, information on
               the  environment  with  regard  to  tipping-points  would  seem  particularly
               useful as well.
            -  Accuracy and Reliability
               Accuracy may be translated as a good portray of the reality and reliability
               as giving very similar results when repeatedly compiled. If comprehensive
               data sources are available for compiling physical data on natural resources
               and  returns  to  nature  there  seems  no  major  obstacle  that  these  are
               produced and disseminated by statistical offices. The situation for value
               data seems a bit different. On one hand different valuation methods are
               proposed, for which it is unclear if they produce reliable results. On the
               other hand in case of some methods their suitability assessments diverge.
               Insofar it seems that further research is needed. And for statistical offices
               the advice could be to follow a more cautious approach concerning value
               data.  Possibly  they  could  be  published  not  as  official  statistics  but  as
               socalled  experimental  data,  compiled  in  close  connection  and  with  the
               support of specialized researchers.
            -  Timeliness and Punctuality
               Timeliness concerns the interval between the end of a reporting period and
               the  publication  date,  which  should  be  as  short  as  possible;  punctuality
               concerns  the  respect  of  pre-announced  publication  dates.  In  digital
               societies timeliness is very important, because news need to be as topical
               as possible to attract attention and to serve as a basis for political debates
               and measures. A much appreciated but challenging timeliness goal consists
               in  publishing  environmental  data  one  year  after  the  end  of  reporting
               period.  This  implies  to  look  at  the  statistical  production  processes  and
               possibly streamline them for instance by employing satellite images instead
               of surveys or using company information on non-financial reporting like
               the standards on sustainability accounting (SASB-standards, 2018).
            -  Coherence and Comparability
               Comparability of the data refers to the common methodological standards
               used  over  a  reasonable period  of  time  and  across  countries; coherence
               means that arithmetic and accounting identities are respected. Due to the
               fact that at the moment two separate international methodologies, namely
               the  SEEA-2012-CF  and  the  SEEA-2012-EEA,  are  used  to  produce
               environmental  accounts,  there  is  a  risk  of  both  double-counting  and
               undercoverage.  Therefore,  it  would  seem  a  useful  idea  to  develop  one

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