Page 186 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 186

IPS 208 Johan S. et al.

                               Agricultural Census 2020 – How to reduce costs
                                and burden? The European Statistical System
                        Johan Selenius, Christine Wirtz, Denisa Florescu, Andreas C. Lazar
                                          European Commission – Eurostat

                  Information on the structure of agriculture is necessary to understand the risks
                  for ensuring food security, the trends in food production as well as the impacts
                  on rural life and the environment. At global level, the FAO advises all countries
                  to carry out an agricultural census every 10 years to have a full picture of the
                  situation. The European Union (EU) considers it necessary to collect data on
                  farm structure for the common agricultural policy (CAP)  and various other
                  policies,  often  related  to  environmental  aspects,  but  at  more  frequent
                  This paper presents the technical and methodological aspects of the newly
                  modified system for the European agricultural censuses. Under the new set-
                  up, EU countries can reduce the burden on respondents while increasing the
                  availability of statistics for the census 2020. A set of 184 core variables are
                  collected as a census for all farms above common physical thresholds in all
                  countries with the target of covering 98% of each country's agriculture. For
                  sub-samples of farms, the core variables will be supplemented with variables
                  grouped in three modules on ‘Labour force and other gainful activities’, ‘Rural
                  development’  and  ‘Animal  housing  and  manure management’.  The  system
                  allows  countries  to  use  multiple  sources  and  methods  –  such  as  surveys,
                  administrative data or innovative methods and approaches – to obtain data
                  subject  to  meeting  pre-defined  quality  requirements.  The  efforts  of  the
                  European  Statistical  System  (ESS)  to  allow  countries  who  do  not  meet  the
                  census’s  98%  agricultural  area  and  livestock  coverage  requirements  to
                  conduct a sample data collection on the smallest farms and further ways of
                  reducing costs and burden will be discussed.

                  Modular approach; Geo-referencing; Eurostat

                  1.  Introduction
                      Eurostat, the EU's statistical office, publishes EU-wide agricultural statistics
                  on  the  structure  of  farms  and  other  operators  in  the  agricultural  sector,
                  agricultural production, production factors, and agrimonetary data. Economic
                  accounts for agriculture provide an overall view of the agricultural sector. The
                  main aim is to support decision-making and policy design, implementation,

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