Page 350 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 350

IPS273 Charlotte L. et al.
                         The obtained equation can be equivalently seen as a rank-one matrix
                     factorization of the Gibbs kernel  −M/  that depicts the joint interactions
                     between two sets of objects underlying α and β. On the other hand, in the
                     extreme case when λ → ∞, the Gibbs kernel  −M/  becomes a matrix of ones
                     leading to a degenerate solution where u and v are vectors of ones.
                         Finally, we note that when λ does not tend to infinity, one may retrieve
                     a  particular  type  of  tri-factor  factorization  from  the  solution  of  the
                     regularized OT problem. To see that, we can rewrite the factorization of the
                     optimal coupling matrix as follows:

                                                         1               1
                                            −M/  = diag ( )  (, )diag ( ),

                         where  vectors  u,  v  and  the  optimal  coupling  matrix   (, )  are
                      unknown.  This  formulation  is  reminiscent  of  a  popular  co-clustering
                      method  called  Tri-NMF  (Ding  et  al,  2008)  formulated  as  the  following
                      optimization problem over  ∈ ℝ × ,  ∈ ℝ × ,  ∈ ℝ ×  for some  ∈
                      ℝ × :

                                            ≃ ,   = ,   = ,

                         where W and H are low-rank approximations of features and instances,
                      respectively,  S  is  a  matrix  of  associations  between  them  and  the
                      orthogonality  constraints  are  added  to  ensure  the  uniqueness  of  the
                      factorization  and  the  ease  of  interpretability  for  clustering.  From  this
                      formulation, we note that co-clustering solutions provided by u and v can
                      be  seen  as  full-rank  approximations  of  matrices  W  and  H  while  the
                      meaning  behind   (, )remains  similar  to  that  of  S.  Furthermore,
                      matrices diag ( ) and diag ( ) corresponding to W and H naturally fulfill
                      the orthogonality constraints up to a scaling factor. This point of view tells
                      us that regularized optimal transport can  be equivalently seen as  both
                      rank-one  and  full-rank  matrix  factorizations  of  the  Gibbs  kernel   −M/
                      where in both cases the latent low-rank structure for rows and columns
                      should be extracted from one-dimensional objects u and v. Figure 1 shows
                      the cluster-generated vectors obtained by them on the same synthetic
                      data set. The simulated matrix contains 60 variables and 60 instances, and
                      presents a block structure with 3 homogeneous groups, or clusters, for
                      both instances and variables. From this figure, we can see that all cluster-
                      generated vectors present similar changes in slope, at close but slightly
                      different locations, revealing the same type of steps for both u and v.

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