Page 348 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 348

IPS273 Charlotte L. et al.
                                      min 〈M, 〉 − λ(),                          (1)

                     where  λ  ≥  0  is  a  regularization  parameter.  This  regularization  allows  to
                  obtain  smoother  and  more  numerically  stable  solutions  compared  to  the
                  original case. Indeed, Sinkhorn’s theorem Sinkhorn and Knopp (1967) tells us
                  that for λ > 0, (1) has a unique solution that can be obtained by left and right
                  scaling of the Gibbs kernel  −/  (where the exponential is taken element-
                  wise) to the prescribed sums of the admissible couplings:

                           (, ) ≔ arg min 〈, 〉 − λ() = diag() −/  diag(),

                      where u and v are two non-negative scaling vectors uniquely defined up
                  to a multiplicative factor, that can be efficiently computed using Sinkhorn’s

                  3.  Our Contributions
                      3.1 Co-clustering through Optimal Transport
                         Let us denote by X and Y two random variables taking values in the
                      sets { }    and {}   , where  ,   correspond to  row (instance) and
                      column (feature), respectively. We further assume that the joint probability
                      distribution between X and Y denoted by (, ) is estimated from the
                      data matrix A. The problem of co-clustering consists in jointly grouping
                      the set of features and the set of instances into homogeneous blocks by
                      finding  two  assignment  functions     and     that  map  as  follows:   ∶
                      {  , … ,  } → {̂ , … , ̂ },  ∶ { , … , ̂ }  where  g  and  k  denote  the
                      number of row and columns clusters, and discrete random variables  and
                       represent the partitions induced by X and Y , i.e.,  =  () = and  =
                         The  main  idea  is  to  consider  the  problem  of  finding  a  coupling
                      between the rows and columns of a given data matrix A, represented by a
                      uniform sum of m and n Diracs defined over a set of points in ℝ  and ℝ
                      respectively. Formally, these rows and columns empirical measures can be
                      defined as:
                                         ∶= ∑  /  and  ∶= ∑  /.
                                             =1                 =1
                         For a given cost matrix M where   stands for the distance between
                      line   and  column  ,  the  authors  obtain  an  optimal  coupling   ( ,  )
                      using Sinkhorn given by:
                       ( ,  ) = diag() −/  diag().
                         The obtained solution can be seen as a joint probability distribution
                      implying that the scaling vectors u and v can be seen as estimated rows
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