Page 356 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 356

IPS277 Matthew Shearing
                   Figure 1: Example of NSOs working with the private sector on capacity

                  Many  PPPs  include  an  advanced  NSO  (or  NSOs)  working  under  the
                  coordination  of  a  technical  service  provider  from  the  private  sector  to the
                  benefit of a less advanced NSO. The Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) has worked
                  with at least three different advanced NSOs under this arrangement.  The LSB
                  Deputy Director General set out at the World Data Forum (WDF) in Dubai 2018
                  that such “Twinning” under the coordination of private sector had relieved LSB
                  of the administrative burden of recruiting, managing experts, and monitoring
                  their interventions. It was also noted that this kind of PPP had allowed for:
                      •      access to a wide pool of highly qualified experts
                      •      ability to finance early mobilisation and rapid deployment
                      •      efficient coordination of team members’ work
                      •      flexibility in meeting changing priorities
                      •      potential to ensure the sustainability of the project’s impact
                      •      enhanced  strategic  planning,  communication  and  coordination
                             with development partners

                  Statistics Netherlands, having worked as part of such arrangements in Laos
                  also pointed out at the WDF that working with a technical service provider
                  from  the  private  sector was  important  given  their  experience  in  managing
                  complex  projects,  financial  administration,  and  bringing  together  a  mix  of
                  suppliers, including different NSOs with different skills, independent experts,
                  and other private sector parties, such as IT experts and data innovators.

                  Technically-specific organisations (private/other sectors)
                      Organisations from many sectors can contribute to projects in specific
                  technical area(s), based on their area of expertise, such as in Data Science, IT
                  systems, or statistical methodology. These include academic institutions with
                  training units/capability in technical areas or regional training institutes. This
                  category also includes subject-specific private companies who are often highly
                  innovative,  aware  of  broader  perspectives  and  techniques  across  different
                  sectors, and may have experience in contributing to capacity development
                  projects. These may be most valuable where their expertise is outside of the
                  expertise typically held by statisticians, such as IT systems, data science, or
                  communications. Training or other services from these organisations is most
                  effective where they have experience in contributing to capacity development

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