Page 397 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 397

IPS298 Renee Sorchik et al.
            least an initial set of priority targets to focus on in their development agendas.
            Another 12 percent of countries adopted one or more of the targets, but have
            not yet set any national target values. These countries have identified at least
            an  initial  set  of  priority  targets,  but  are  in  the  beginning  stages  of  the
            nationalization process. The remaining 16 percent of countries have not yet
            adopted any of the child-related targets examined. In most of these countries,
            COs  indicated  the  prioritization  and  target-setting  process  had  not  been
            completed and in many cases it was stalled due to a change in government
            (Figure 1).

                        Figure 1: Status of adoption and
                     nationalization of child-related targets

                                                                no targets
                                                               adopted, 16

                         adopted, at                           adopted, no
                          least one                             value, 12
                         target has
                          value, 72

            National target-setting
               Figure 2 shows the relationships between the number of targets adopted
            and the number of national target values set. While almost half of countries
            adopted  15  or  more  of  the  child-related  targets,  indicating  an  interest  in
            bettering the situation of children through the SDG Agenda, many of these
            countries have yet to set national values for these targets. If countries were
            further  along  in  the  national  target-setting  process,  we  would  expect  the
            distribution of the number of target values set to mirror that of the number of
            targets adopted. However, there is a negative relationship, demonstrating that
            while countries have adopted a fair number of child-related targets, they have
            not yet set national values for these targets. Just 14 countries set national
            target values for 15 or more targets, compared to 44  countries that adopted
            15 or more targets. About half of countries set national target values for less
            than 5 targets, with 26 not having set any national target values.  Among
            countries that have not set any national target values, 11 have adopted targets
            but not yet set any national values, and another 15 have not yet adopted any

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