Page 10 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 10
Recent advances in ecological networks: Regularized grouped ……… 208
Dirichlet-multinomial regression
Change detection and harmonisation of atmospheric large ……… 217
spatiotemporal series
STS489: Advances in Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modelling of
Disease Risk Based Complex Household Surveys in Sub-Saharan
Africa (SSA)
Geographic variation, trends and determinants of hypertension ……… 222
in South African adult population, 2008 -2017
Modelling and mapping prevalence of Female Genital ……… 231
Mutilation/C (FGM/C) among 0-14 years old girls in Kenya,
Nigeria and Senegal
Spatial heterogeneity of childhood anaemia in four Sub-Saharan ……… 239
African countries
STS490: Setting Up Collaborative Support Systems Between
Academic Institutions to Enhance Delivery on Industry-
Integrated Skills Development Projects
Professional statisticians/ data scientists: Who are they and how ……… 248
do we train them?
STS493: Vision on Future Data Collection for Official Statistics
Advanced data collection – An outlook to the future ……… 253
Modernizing data collection in Canada ……… 263
Sensor data at the heart of innovation in official statistics ……… 272
STS496: Safeguarding The Professional independence of
Statisticians; The international Experience
INEGI’s Statistical Autonomy: Institutional Governance and Some ……… 284
Ever-Present Risks
The requirements for a well-functioning statistical system in a ……… 293
modern democratic society
Statisticians misbehaving: The ethical dimensions of an essential ……… 300
Safeguards for the professional independence of Statisticians in ……… 309
STS497: Digital Economy: The Development of Industry 4.0
Measuring the digital economy: Malaysia’s experience ……… 316
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