Page 173 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 173

STS479 Belkacem A.

                              Morocco’s experience in South/South
                           cooperation and statistical capacity building
                                         Belkacem Abdous
                      National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics, Rabat, Morocco

            During  the  last  decades,  Morocco  has  developed  very  active  and  intense
            South-South statistical cooperation activities. Indeed, the High Commission
            for  Planning  provided  statistical  training,  technical  assistance  and  capacity
            building support for several National Statistical Offices of African and Arab
            countries. In this work, we will briefly present some of these fruitful triangular
            and bilateral cooperation initiatives and show how they build on the specific
            local  context  to  adopt  and  apply  the  international  standards  and  good
            statistical practices. Besides, we will cast light on the manifest will of Morocco
            to  disseminate  and  open  its  data  bases  to  users  and  international
            organizations.  We  will  share  and  discuss  some  innovative  approaches  that
            have been put forward to modernize its statistical system in support of the

            South-South cooperation, Triangular and bilateral cooperation,  Statistical
            capacity building, Modernization of national statistical sytems

            1.  Introduction
                South–South cooperation is a concept that emerged during the 1940s, it
            finds its roots in the Asian and African countries struggle for independence
            and  in  the  Non-Aligned  Movement  (1955).  Generally  speaking,  the  word
            “South” refers to countries outside Western Europe and North America. For
            more details, see Bergamaschi, Moore and Tickner (2017).
                There is no precise and internationally accepted definition of South-South
            Cooperation. In a document entitled “ South-South Cooperation: A Pathway
            for Development”,  the Partners in Population and Development (2009), an
            Intergovernmental Alliance of developing countries, provides commonly used
            concepts and definitions of South–South cooperation.  Detailed milestones in
            South–South cooperation are provided as well. That said, according to the
            Nairobi outcome document of the High-level United Nations Conference on
            South-South  Cooperation  (General  Assembly  Resolution  64/222  of  21
            December 2009), South–South cooperation principles might be described as

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