Page 277 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 277

STS493 Stéphane D. et al.
            are  more  likely  to  bring  about  a  successful  response.  The  final  phase
            emphasizes more difficult cases to reduce the differences in response rates
            between the domains of interest.

            Active management
                Traditionally, Statistics Canada surveys have been managed through the
            regional offices, where all survey taking takes place. Operations management
            was left entirely to those offices, with relatively little planning and support from
            the central office located in Ottawa. Recently, Statistics Canada changed this
            approach and introduced a new set of common plans and tools to centrally
            manage survey data collection in progress through an active management unit.
            The active management unit in Ottawa has three main objectives. The first is to
            determine data collection milestones where changes to the collection strategy
            are required. The second objective is to identify problems as early as possible
            and correct them (if required) before collection has finished. The third, which is
            a more global objective, is to use collection resources effectively to find the
            most appropriate balance between data quality, timeliness and survey costs.
            Active management is based on current, timely and empirical observations, and
            it is considered one of the main reasons Statistics Canada’s response rates have
                Active  management  is  best  demonstrated  by  explaining  the  tools  that
            managers now have at their disposal as a result of this program. For any given
            survey, all data collection managers have access to a national production plan
            before collection (which they have an opportunity to influence). They also have
            access  to  monitoring  reports  delivered  centrally  on  a  regular  basis.  The
            monitoring reports come with basic analytical information designed to identify
            collection issues and potential solutions to any issues that are noticed through
                The plan for active management is to refine available tools, including by
            implementing  data  visualization  tools,  and  to  continue  to  work  towards
            establishing  operational  survey  “command  centres”  in  each  region  and  at
            headquarters in Ottawa. The goal is to improve responsiveness and optimize
            data collection resources.

            Expansion and improvement of respondent communication material
                About five years ago, Statistics Canada focused on communication material
            to improve response rates. The idea was to “nudge” respondents using the
            latest research on behavioural economics and show, through various tools and
            integrated  activities,  that  survey  participation  is  useful.  A  framework  was
            developed to prioritize needs for communication support based on the type of
            survey, the importance of the survey and the expected response rate.

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