Page 144 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 144

STS523 Wan Z. et al.
                     SSM receives submission of documents (statutory documents) in a paper-
                  based format via its counters or any channel of submission (i.e. online or kiosk)
                  throughout  Malaysia  on  a  daily  basis.  Further,  SSM  faces  an  influx  of
                  documents  twice  a  year  i.e.  during  the  peak  period  when  there  is  a  high
                  volume of annual returns and financial statements. Due to this fact, SSM is in
                  the midst of developing a new system to enhance its service delivery under
                  the SSM Transformation Program (SSMTP) (which is a project under the SSM
                  Second and Third Direction Plans) which will see the introduction of a new
                  core system replacing the current legacy system.
                     With this new core system, expected to be fully implemented in the fourth
                  quarter of this year, it will allow SSM to better utilize the data stored within
                  the business registry. Furthermore, under the SSMTP, one (1) of the highly
                  anticipated projects is the introduction of the eXtensible Business Reporting
                  Language (XBRL) or as it is referred to in Malaysia as the Malaysian Business
                  Reporting System (MBRS) which is an open international standard for digital
                  business reporting. Technological advances in recent years have given a new
                  digital platform for financial information and XBRL has been identified as an
                  enabling technology that allows paperless financial reporting.
                     MBRS in Malaysia will be primarily used for the filing of financial statements.
                  It is strongly believed that MBRS is the way forward to ensure that accessibility
                  of information is made easier for investors, regulators and the public at large
                  is improved and enhanced. The key advantage of this new “language” is that
                  an  identifying  tag  applies  for  each  individual  item  of  data  as  opposed  to
                  storing block text of more than one million companies nationwide.

                  2.  Methodology
                     With the development of the SSM core system, this will improve the sharing
                  of information and statistical data with other agencies such as Department of
                  Statistics  Malaysia  (DOSM),  Central  Bank  of  Malaysia  (BNM),  and  Inland
                  Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDNM). As the custodian of corporate data, the
                  data on business, company, and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) reside in
                  SSM’s Data Warehouse and this includes historical data.
                     The data warehouse is a system where SSM keeps the data filed with SSM
                  and this data is to be used for reporting and data analysis. It is considered as
                  a core component of business intelligence. The data warehouse is a central
                  repository  of  integrated  data  from  one  or  more  disparate  source.  All  the
                  information from business entities can be mined from the data warehouse
                  which integrates with SSM’s registration systems.
                     The information can be collected online, where these services are available
                  24/7 and accessible anywhere. Each information and data can be purchased
                  with different types of packages according to the requirement by the public.
                  Where every profile and detail of each business entity reside in the database,

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